Ch8: Dating?

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"Y-Yashiro?" Hanako went on. Yashiro looked at him and smiled.
"Wh-What do you mean?" She asked. Hanako hugged her tighter.
"You know exactly what I mean." Hanako said. Kou's angry face was peeping through. Yashiro sighed. As much as she loved Hanako's confession, she didn't want it to be a problem for Kou.
"I-I-I don't get it. What do you mean?" She lied. Hanako slowly let loose his grip.
"Yashiro? Do you not get it? What I said in class!" He said looking her in the eye.
"You never said anything Hanako-kun... mhpph...mhpp!!!" Yashiro was cut off by Hanako's kiss.
Kou moved back. He dropped his staff and watched sadly. Slowly tears dropped down his cheeks.
"S-Senpai? You're... You're dating Hanako?" He asked. As Yashiro tried to get up. Hanako pushed her down and squeezed her. Kou ran off, tearing up. Yashiro struggled to get out of Hanako's grip and finally did.
"Minamoto-kun!! Matte Kudasai(Please wait)" Yashiro cried. Hanako gave her a guilty look.

Hanako's Thoughts:
What is wrong with me. I'm supposed to be taking care of Yashiro and making her happy. I even stole her first kiss. Why Amane?! What's wrong with you!? No wonder you were single while you were alive!

"Hanako-kun?" Yashiro came up. She saw Hanako in tears. He looked miserable.
"Yashiro... Wouldn't it have been better if you never met me at all?" He said with a sad smile.
"I-I made your life worse! You would have got your first kiss with someone like Minamoto-senpai but you had your first kiss with me instead." He said looking away. Yashiro held his hands and wiped his tears.
"Aww... Hanako-kun. That's not true at all. I'm happy you came into my life! In fact, I don't know if it's ok for a human to like an apparition. Because...I...I love you too Hanako-kun! I just said that I don't remember because Minamoto-kun wouldn't be happy!" She said smiling.

"Yashiro... you always put everyone else above yourself... don't do that with me." Hanako said. They both stared dreamily into each other's eyes when Yashiro broke the silence.

"Minamoto-kun!" She shouted. She ran towards the door way, holding Hanako's hand. Luckily, he didn't seem to be far he was sitting on one if the stairs and hiding his tears. Mitsuba was near him.
"Minamoto-kun? This is a really stupid reason to cry...but I'll take it." Mitsuba was saying. He looked to Yashiro and Hanako.

"Daikon senpai and Crazy Knife are here!!" He said.
"Who are you calling Crazy Knife!?"
"Don't come near me!!"
As Mitsuba and Hanako were fighting... Yashiro came up to Kou.

"Please go away Senpai...."

To be continued

Hi everyone! So I want you guys to vote on my announcement board. Please do it quickly. Thanks...also..I might continue the series and not stop at Ch9. K love ya'll💗💗💗


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