"Which is in about four days," Jennie spoke. "Don't tell me you're planning to keep us locked up in here for four days!"

"Of course I am," Dante replied casually. "Four days is a small price to pay for being free the rest of your life." He nodded at the man behind the desk. "We'll see you in four days."

Jennie wanted to throw a tantrum in frustration. That's it? Just like that? One minute we're sleeping in my house and the next we're attending a fucking ball and are taken as prisoners? Sadly, she said none of that. Those stupid guards still had their guns. And she was still a freaking coward.

"I'll take the girls back to their room," Bambam said. "I have some private matters to discuss."

"What are you going to talk about?" Mr. Kim crossed his arms. "Because as you can probably tell, Mr. Manoban, I don't trust you anymore." He had all the time in the world to be sarcastic.

"It's private for a reason, Mr. Kim," Bambam straightened his tie. "I give you my word I will not lay a hand on them."

Mr. Kim frowned before a guard steered him and his wife away.

"See that you don't, Prince Bambam," Mrs. Kim sneered. "Or you will have to answer to me." Bambam's reply was a tilted smile.

"Where are you taking my parents?" Jennie almost raised her voice as she watched her parents escorted out the room so suddenly. Everything was happening so quickly.

"Don't worry, they won't be lacking in anything," Dante sighed as he produced a cigar from one of the wooden shelves in the meticulously decorated room. Jennie had no doubt every room in this palace was exquisite. "Hell, they might not want to leave ever again. Maybe they won't." He chuckled. Jennie had to clench her fists her to stop herself from letting them fly at his smug face.

"Enjoy your stay here, girls. There's absolutely nothing to worry about."


Once in the equally well-furnished room that the girls had occupied earlier that evening, the tension could easily be felt. Bambam had told his bodyguards to wait outside and had locked the door, also blocking out any sound due to the door being pressurized. He had something important to tell the two.

"You sick bastard!" Jennie flew at Bambam as soon as the door closed. "How dare you?"

The brunette immediately started hitting whatever part of him she could reach, but Bambam didn't budge. He easily blocked her punches and slaps but didn't make a move to try and completely stop her. Lisa, being the level-headed one, moved to pull Jennie away. There was something on the look of Bambam's face that made her curious. He looked almost... Scared.

"Please, stop and listen," he said, grabbing a hold of Jennie's wrists. "I can explain."

"Oh there's nothing to explain," Jennie ground out. "Except maybe how you could stomach the thought of your girlfriend being with your mortal enemy. You've known all along, haven't you? You knew about me and Lisa."

"Of course I did," he replied, still holding on to her wrist. "The whole school knew. You've stuck to Lisa's side like glue all throughout the years and practically hung on to every word she said. We knew you liked her."

"And so why did you date her then?" Lisa cocked a brow. Deep inside, her heart fluttered at the revelation that Jennie had always liked her even back then. "If you knew she liked someone else?"

Bambam sighed, finally letting go of Jennie. Her hands fell limply to her sides as she waited for his reply.

"I've always had a crush on her," he ran his hand through his hair in slight embarrassment. "It killed me when she liked you, of all people. A girl. I was losing to a girl. And that was why I tried to treat you like shit. Immature, I know."

She Lays Down ★ JENLISAWhere stories live. Discover now