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Will's P.O.V

I awoke, petrified of what I heard. Screams. My brothers weren't in the tent with me anymore.

I quickly shook Joey awake. "There's danger!" I exclaimed.

"Huh..?" Joey asked groggily.

"Graser and Liam aren't here, and—"

"Shoot. Come on!"

I ran out of the tent, which was unzipped. I lead the way with the torch, running to where my guts told me. Joey trailed right behind me, helping me pick up pace if I slowed down.

"GRASER, LIAM!!" I shouted into the trees. "WHERE ARE YOU?!"

"BOYS, PLEASE RESPOND!!" Joey shouted, louder.


I made a sharp turn around a corner to a ravine. 

"Don't go down there, it's a trap!"

"No, it's safe, your brothers are down there."

"Save yourself!"

"Are you really going to leave them there to rot?"

I clutched onto Joey, scared and confused. I stared down into the ravine. A pulsing light came from the darkness. From that, I saw the two.... dead.... bodies...

"GRASER, LIAM, NO!!" I screamed, trying to jump into the hole.

Joey grabbed me, holding me back. Still, I struggled against him. "They're dead, Joey! They're dead!"

"What'll Em think when you end up dead too?!"

"She's strong, she'll be okay!"

I broke out of Joey's grip, only to be caught once again. "Don't do it, Will," Joey ordered strictly, trying to  pull me away.

But with all my body strength, I heaved myself forward. Joey lost his footing, as did I, and we both fell into the darkness below, never to see the light of day again.

Pure Souls (book 3) : The Creatures in the DarkWhere stories live. Discover now