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Yammy's P.O.V

Footsteps echoed, and Jaiden appeared into sight. "Hi!" she greeted. "How are things? I see there are... more... people..."

"Yes, um, a lot has happened, we got back those we lost, including Shelby. Come forward, Shelbs," Scott replied.

Shelby cautiously stepped forward. "I know you," she said, pointing at Jaiden. "We went to school together."

"We sure did!" Jaiden chirped.

"You do magic?"

"Friendship magic to be exact. And you're in the FAE? Life Soul?"

"Well, not anymore. Stacy's the new Life Soul. I'm the Soul of Bending."

Jaiden's jaw dropped. "Soul of Bending? How?"

"Well, as a Life, I took Death magic, and my bad soul had Manipulation and Black Magic, so... it al combined? I still can't use it well."


More footsteps gradually got louder, and James, Adam and Rebecca appeared. We said our hellos and introduced the new people before Jaiden brought up Shelby's new magic. "Dude this is amAzInG!" James grinned. "No-one knows much about this power at all, and yet... you have it!"

"Do you know anything about it?" I asked.

"Not really," Rebecca said. "Sorry. But this is your chance to learn. We only have myths, and knowledge on what the power does, of course. One of the major myths is that Bending Souls are descendants of God. There have been very few known ones, I think maybe three before Shelby, like, ever."

"Also, looks like what we taught you worked?" Adam pointed out.

I wrapped an arm around Shelby, and she smiled slightly. "It sure did," I said.

"But the trauma's still there..." Shelby whispered.

"Oh, of course it would be. You'll have to live with that trauma. But on the bright side, things can't really get worse than that PTSD. That didn't sound good at all," Adam explained.

"Another enquiry," Lauren slid into the conversation. "We have two more people who we suspect have some sort of magic."

"Oh?" James smiled.

"Elise and Mika. Both managed to not only see and make it to the FAE base, but they made it there safely."

Mika and Elise stepped forward. "Okay," James said, "the only way to figure out what their powers could be is doing the same energy transfer thing I did last time. And things can very well go wrong like last time. Okay maybe it didn't go wrong, but— yeah, you's who were here last time know what I'm talking about. So be prepared." 

James grabbed Mika's right arm and Elise's left arm. "This might hurt. But all you need to do is close your eyes and stay calm, okay?" James explained.

Both girls nodded.

Shelby's P.O.V

James obviously struggled; he looked in pain and letting go was difficult for him to do, so we had to pull him and the two girls away from each other. Meghan and Lauren caught Mika and Elise as the two girls collapsed with exhaustion. 

Eventually, James gathered the strength to speak. "Elise is a descendant of the Siren from Greek Mythology. Not evil, though. Then again, it's up to her how she chooses to use that power. You've gotta learn how to use it first. Jaiden, go find the book."

Jaiden scurried off. Elise looked quite happy, her power was something she enjoyed. Lucky for her.

"And Mika, you have Spirit magic. You can talk to spirits. Not like Jess, she was killed in Life's Area. But you can communicate with spirits that died here on Earth. You also have the ability of becoming transparent and going through walls and stuff. It's pretty interesting, rare but also quite easy to use," James explained. "Have a go at turning into a spirit. Close your eyes and think about disappearing."

Mika did as James told her, and sure enough, her figure faded. "Can I fly?" she asked.

"That's something that depends on the individual," Rebecca replied. "Some Spirit magic holders can, some can't. But it certainly isn't something you'll learn right away."

The group continued discussing Mika's and Elise's powers. I slunk out of the cave, uninterested in what they were talking about. Although at that point I wasn't interested in anything.

I sat down by the cave entrance, playing with the small stones. I looked up at the trees towering over the cliff the cave was imbedded in. 

As my gaze traced the woods, I heard a whisper in my ear. "Hand yourself over and we'll leave your friends alone..."

I screeched, scrambling to stand up. As I ran back into the cave, I could hear that oh-so familiar laughing. 

I ran to where Sasha stood at the back of the group, standing just in front of her. I could feel everyone's stares seeping into my back, but I didn't care.

She was back.

Pure Souls (book 3) : The Creatures in the DarkWhere stories live. Discover now