Chapter 21: White Day

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"Well, I find the gesture really sweet, I guess, but this person probably doesn't know me too well."

"Right, you don't like stuffed toys."

"Yeah. They're big dust gatherers and I'm very sensitive to it and I sneeze a lot." Emiko looked at the flowers. "The flowers are lovely though. I wish I could thank the sender."

She put the box at the back of the class near the cubbyholes before so she can use her desk and eat lunch before the next class began. Saiki will probably not admit that he was slightly irked at what the card read, after all, she was his best friend and therefore had the right to choose whoever she wanted to be with. The assuming behaviour of the person was annoying and Kusuo had an idea of just who it might be.  When no one was looking, he removed his thin gloves and touched the chocolates inside the box. Using Psychometry, he saw the history of what the chocolates went through. One particular image was that he saw a creepy blue haired celebrity giddily put it in the box.

'Makoto Teruhashi.' Saiki thought to himself. His confirmation of the fact only made his annoyance grow.


Emiko couldn't wait to go home. She had enough of White Day. She expected only the ones she gave chocolates to give their obligatory ones in return--they did, even Mr Matsuzaki gave his discreetly, but, it seemed that everyone was returning a favour, or confessing feelings.  What was she going to do with five bags of chocolate?  She then remembered seeing Teruhashi with 7 bags of chocolate so Emiko decided to be grateful.

Walking home after school wasn't something she looked forward to because she disliked carrying so much bags even if she was strong enough to carry all.  When she exited the building, she saw Saiki already waiting for her.

"Hi, Saiki." She said with a sigh.

Immediately, he understood her mood and took five of the bags she was holding leaving her to hold the flowers and the teddy bear. Emiko did her best not to blush at his thoughtfulness.

"Thanks, Saiki. I appreciate it."

'It's no problem.' He answered as he walked on.  When their school was out of sight, he sighed 'I actually have something for you.'

Emiko smiled. "Are you finally going to let me win one of our sparring sessions?"

'Well, then I suppose you're in for a disappointment.'  He said in good humour. He handed her a small box wrapped in an elegant white patterned paper topped with a black ribbon. Simple, but beautiful nonetheless. 'I have no talent to make chocolate like you. I hope you like it.'

"I'm sure I'll like anything you give me, bestie." She cringed as soon as she said that and apparently Kusuo did too.

'Please don't call me that.'

Giving a bashful smile, she opens the box and sees cute green squares, delightfully dusted with green tea powder.

"You gave me matcha chocolates! It's so lovely! Oh my gosh, I have to take a bite now." She did so and offered Saiki a smile with green stained teeth. "Thank you, thank you, Saiki! It's so good! I mean, I appreciate everyone else's effort but you're the only one to get me matcha ones. I'd hug you but my arms are full. "

Saiki smiled a bit proud that he had given her something she liked and had to consume right away. 'Don't worry about it. You're welcome. By the way, I think you look prettier with green teeth.'

Emiko's eyes widened and she closed her mouth and tried to lick off any green colouring from her teeth. "Shorry."

Saiki smirked waited for her to finish her cleaning. When she was done, she smiled again.

Who is Hiro Emiko?  Saiki Kusuo x OCحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن