"Well shit," Eris giggled.

"Oh dear Eris," Lucien chuckled nervously, "Let's get going," he grabbed onto her arm trying to lead her from the creature.

"Oh Kol! This is him," she exclaimed coming out of Lucien's hold.

"Well well, the guy you waited for is my dear friend," Kol grimaced.

"And who might you be?" Niklaus asked curiously.

Eris whipped her head around to see a devilishly handsome man questioning her.

"Eris, and you are?"

"Niklaus," he smirked holding out his hand.

Eris looked down at his Niklaus' hand and gave him a small smile instead of shaking it, " Well I do believe I should be going, Lucien, walk me out. It was lovely meeting you Kol, till we meet again." She gave a kiss on Kol's cheek before she walked out.

"I do apologize for her, she's quite the character. I'll be back in 10 minutes, please do not cause any trouble." Lucien brokered with a queasy smile following the brunette out the castle doors.

"She is quite the character," Niklaus smiled, captivated by her beauty.

"Oh she is brother, but her humor is quite broken." Kol added, smiling at his new found friend.


Lucien followed Eris out of the castle unsure of if he should tell his bestfriend of the evil that Kol and Niklaus are.

"You know I waited for an hour for you," the girl said sitting on the bench in the flower garden.

"I know Eris, I'm sorry that it took so long it's just that these people I brought, they're well, um unique as one would say."

"How so?" She questioned motioning for her bestfriend to sit beside her.

"Eris I don't know how to explain it, it's just that, well you know they're-"

"For heavens sake Lucien just spill it," she countered the man whose ramblings didn't seem to stop.

Lucien looked at Eris who was half smiling and half annoyed. He knew that she herself was unique and that if they were to get out of line, she could defend herself or him.

"They're monsters E,"

As the words left his mouth, her face paled. Lucien explained exactly how he came about the Mikaelsons and their willingness to take the place of the ones that murdered. He explained how Kol and Niklaus were among the group of posers hiding in plain sight.

Eris has heard tales of monsters who drank human blood but she thought it was just a tale parents told their children so they wouldn't go out at night. It was all real, and whether she liked it or not, it terrified her. She thought to herself that they couldn't be monsters like the ones she had faced, Kol was kind and nothing of the blood sucking monsters Lucien had described.

It had been almost a week after her encounter with Kol and Niklaus. She kept to herself and worked in her shop as best she could. It was nearing noon when a certain red head walked into the women's shop.

"Eris!" Aurora DeMartel screeched looking at the perfumes.

"Yes, how may I help you today?" Eris fake smiled to the annoying girl.

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