Year 1-9

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Melody POV
Now we're all walking with The groundkeeper...I honestly forgot his name. "Its a pity they let the old punishments go. Detention was when you were hanging from your thumbs in the dungeons. God, I miss the screaming" He said. Ok Crazy... Correction Weirdo... We made it to Hagrid's House and the groundkeeper said "You'll be severing detention with Hagrid tonight. You got a little job to do inside the dark forest" Hagrid came out of his house looking really upset. "Good god man your not still going on about that bloody dragon are ya?" The ground Keeper said. "What dragon?" I whispered to Harry. Harry whispered back "I'll tell you later" I nodded. "Nobert's gone, Dumbledore shipped him off to Romanian to live with his colony," Hagrid said very sadly. I wonder what he's talking about. "Well that's good isn't it, he'll be with his own kind," Hermione said. Hagrid said "yeah but Romania, what if the other dragons are mean to him he's only a baby," The Ground Keeper said in a harsh tone "oh for god's sake pull yourself together, you're going into the forest after all," Draco said "The forest I thought that was a joke we can't go in there students aren't allowed and there are... Werewolves" WEREWOLVES?!  Oh... I'm going to die. That's it I'm going to die and Aunt Petunia is going to dance on my grave... "There's more than werewolves in those trees you can be sure of that," The groundkeeper said. WELL, WHY ARE WE GOING?! we all are going to die... I was starting to enjoy life. "Right let's go," Hagrid said.

We followed behind him, he stopped and bent down and used his finger to pick up a slimy goo. "What's that Hagrid?" Harry asked. Hagrid replied with "What we are here for, that's unicorn blood. I found one dead just a few weeks ago. Now this one has been hurt badly by something" "alright Hermione, Ron you come with me" Hagrid said. "Melody you Harry and Malfoy" I nodded, while Harry rolled his eyes. "Alright then we get fang," Draco said. Hagrid said "Alright but just so you know he's a bloody coward" I chuckled looking at the dog.

"Wait till my father hears about this" Draco said to Harry. I was walking beside Fang not paying much attention to Draco or Harry, Mainly because they were bickering. "Don't go" I heard a whisper. I stopped and said "umm Harry I think I'm gonna stay back" Harry turned around with Draco and said, "Why?" I shrugged my shoulders and said "Because I don't wanna die" Harry then said "you have your wand on you" I nodded, he said "Are you sure you want to stay back?" I sat next to a tree and pulled out my wand. " under estimating my brother?" I asked. He shook his head and said. "No"

Harry POV
We walked a little from melody and Malfoy said: "So your just gonna let her stay there?" He said in a confused tone. "Yeah, Why?" I asked "Wow what a great big brother you are" He rolled his eyes. "She can take care of herself, Malfoy," I told him. "Can she?" He asked. Why does he even care? "Yeah, she more capable of doing things herself... She protected me from bullies in our other school I think she can handle herself " I said. Malfoy chuckled "What do you mean she protected you," He said trying not to laugh. I said " Well once a group of kids were mocking me for having glasses and then one of them punched me in the face and Melody... Well, she sorta had a fight with the group" Malfoy now laughing said "and the group won" I shook my head and said "No Melody won, She beat up them and put one of them in hospital" I remembered how cool it was when she did that. " But that's no important," I said. "We should have kept her with us she would have had a fight with whatever we're looking for" Malfoy laughed.

We walked some more when Fang started Growling. "What is it fang," I asked him then saw that Malfoy was staring at something with wide eyes. I looked and my scar started hurting. The thing looked up at us and Malfoy screamed. Then started running away with Fang. I took a step back and fell over the thing came closer to me.

Melody POV
I stood up when I heard a scream. I was about to Run in the direction Harry and Draco went when I heard "don't go" I said, "My brother is over there and I am not going to sit around while my brother gets killed!" He said, "Very well, you better hurry" when he said that I ran faster then I have ever run before, I saw a light which Draco was holding running away. I saw Fang with Draco but no Harry I ran in the Direction Draco was running from and saw Harry on the ground while something was coming towards him "Harry!" I yelled. Suddenly a centaur came and the shadowy thing left. "Harry are you ok," I asked running to him. "Yeah I'm fine, why are you here?" I said, "I heard Drac- Malfoy scream and I came running." We both looked at the centaur and he said "Melody, Harry Potter you both must leave you are known by many creatures here, and it's not safe at this time, especially for you" Harry said "But what was that thing you saved me from" the centaur said "A monstrous Creature it is illegal to slay a unicorn, drinking the blood of a unicorn can keep you alive even if you are an inch from death but at a terrible price. When you slay something so pure that the moment the blood touches your lips you will have half of life... A cursed life" He said. I said, "who would choose such a thing?" "You really can think of anyone?" Harry said, "You mean that thing that was Voldemort?" The centaur said, " do you know what's hidden in the school at this very moment?" I said "The philosophers stone" I saw Hagrid, Draco, Hermione and Ron. "Melody? Harry?" Hermione said "Hello Firezen," Hagrid said greeting The centaur. "I see you met our young Potters, You alright there?" We nodded. "Mr Potter, Miss Potter this is where I leave you you are safe now"

We walked back together. I and Hermione were walking together. Hermione said, "Because I was in detention I didn't get to study!" I said "oh well I studied while you went to Hagrids," She said "Lucky" Ron then said "*cough* Nerds" I looked at him while he smirked. When he turned to look at Harry I kicked him in the leg causing him to fall over and I said "That was for Snitching" I kicked him again and said "And that's for calling us Nerds" I carried on walking with Hermione. We heard Draco Snickering in the back And I heard Ron said: "Man Harry your sister is abusive!" I looked at Hermione and started smiling at each other.

Also got 50points taken away from our house each so -200 points of Gryffindor and -50 points from Slytherin.

Melody Lily Potter (DISCONNECTED)Where stories live. Discover now