Year 1- 2

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3rd person
An owl flies by and drops Harry and Melody accepted letter to Hogwarts throw the mailbox with the rest of the mail. Harry went to go get the mail and looked through the mail and saw two letters for Him and his sister. He took both his and his sisters than passed the rest to his uncle. Dudley notices that Harry was giving one of them to Melody and snatched both of them from harry and yelled "Dad look they got some letters" Harry yells " are you insane they are ours!" Vernon laughed and said, " yours who would write to you?" He looked at it and his smile faded and Petunia and Vernon shared a look then looked at the twins.

The next day
The same owl came with two make letters for the twins and just as yesterday dropped it at the Dursley house. Vernon ripped them up then Drilled a wooden plank to the mailbox. The twins looked out of there door and Melody did the sign of a crazy person with her finger going in circles on the side of her head. Harry chuckled then closed the door before their uncle saw them.

The next day
"Have a good day at work dear" Petunia way to Vernon while kissing him on the cheek. They saw more letters on their doorstep and owls on the car. Later Vernon came home and burned all of the letters that were received. Smiling at the twins while doing so.

The next day
"Fine day Sunday," Vernon says with a smile. "In my opinion the best day of the week. Why is that Dudley?" He asked his son "Cause there's no post on Sunday" Melody replied. "Right you are Melody," he says while grabbing a biscuit from Harry. "No post on Sunday. Ha, No busted Letters today no sir!" Harry and melody notice that there was an owl flying by the window harry walked toward the window and they both saw that there were around 30 owls outside maybe more. "No busted letter no sir-" Vernon was interrupted by a letter hitting him on the face. A rumbling came from the chimney and hundreds of letters start flying inform the chimney. Everyone was screaming and yelling. Harry and Melody tried grabbing some letter and successfully did and when they were both running Vernon was yelling at them "GOVE ME THOSE LETTERS POTTERS!" They were about to open there closet when their uncle grabbed them both "Let us go there our letters!" Melody yelled. and more letters came through the mailbox. "That's it were going away far away!" Vernon yelled at the top of his lungs. "Daddy's gone mad, hasn't he?!" Dudley yells and Petunia mumbled, "I think he has."

Melody POV
Me and Harry were laying on the ground next to the chimney while there was a storm outside. I drew a cake in the dust with candles and said to Harry "happy birthday harry" he looked at the time and saw that it just turned 12:00 am he turned to me and smiled and said, "happy birthday to you too." I pointed to the cake I drew on the ground and said "i know it's not much but Make a wish" he closed his eyes and said, "I wish me and you could leave this hell hole." We smiled and he allowed on the pretend candles.
A loud bang came from the door and me and Harry along with Dudley shot up and looked at the door. Me and Harry had behind the chimney while Dudley stood there like an idiot. Aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon came downstairs with a gun slowly walking down. The door came crashing down and Dudley and Aunt Petunia screamed. I pocked my head out and saw a large man standing there I hugged Harry tightly and he hugged me back.

3rd Person
Hagrid walked through the door and said "Sorry about that while picking the door back up. Vernon yelled while holding his gun up " I demand that you leave at once you are breaking at entering!" Harris looked at Vernon and walked towards him. "Dry up Dursley you great prune" hagrid had bent the gun upwards and Vernon pressed the trigger which did nothing for them since it just shot through the roof. "I haven't seen you since you were born Harry but you far more along then I would have expected. Especially in the middle. Where's your sister?" Dudley stuttered "i-im not Harry?" Harry stepped from out behind the chimney and said "I'm Harry" and Melody stepped out and said "I'm Melody"  Hagrid Said " well of course you are." He said to Harry. And then he said "Iv got something for you two. I'm scared may have sat on it at one point but it should taste the same" he handed the twins a cake and they looked at each other in confusion. "Baked it my self words and all" Harry opened it and it said "Happie birthday Harry & Melody," they both said "Thank you" Hagrid smiled at said, "it's not every day two children turn eleven now is it?"
Hagrid sat down on the couch and grabbed his umbrella and pointed it at the fireplace and flames came from the umbrella and into the chimney causing a fire.

Melody POV
I stepped in front of the strange man and said: "excuse me but who are you?" He replied with"Rubeus Hagrid keeper of keys and grounds at Hogwarts but of course, you know all about Hogwarts" I and Harry looked at each other. "I'm... Sorry but no..." Harris looked confused "no? Blimey Melody, haven't you ever wondered where your mum and dad learnt it all?" I replied with "learnt what?" "Your a which Melody and Harry is a wizard"

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