"So it is really going to happen, George? A real war?" Angelina whispered.

"I guess. It can be just matter of time. We all should be prepared to face anything. Can't trust ministry to sort it out for us, can we?" Said George quietly.

Angelina shook her head.

George put on his best suit tailored with dragon skin. He could see Fred fixing his tie.

"I really don't get why we have to wear all these nonsense. For my wedding I'll let anyone to wear anything they like. They can wear their Quidditch robes, night gowns or even swimming suits if they like. But I have to bewitch mum to overlook that" Fred said.

"I appreciate your courage to think about a wedding after your fight last night" said George.

"You heard that?"

"It's frigging howler. How can I not heard it? Wow, Sophie really can shout, mate. I don't know if its mum or her do it best"

"Oh, she can do better than that. I told her to come to wedding, but she said no. Said she got some work done at ministry. I mean she's not the bloody minister, can't she just take a day off? It is not like she's the most important person in the ministry. Did she and Percy have some competition?"

"Let me guess, you said all that to her?" George turned surprised to look at his brother.

"Of course, I did"

"Uh-oh Fred, when do you realize you can't say such things to people? No wonder she's angry"

"What? So you are saying I did wrong? That I should apologize?" Fred asked annoyed.

"I don't know an apology can fix it" George shrugged and turned back to mirror.

"I don't care how angry she is. We hardly get time together and she misses that chance. I'll show her the concequences. " Fred said still looking angry.

"What are you up to now?" George asked suspiciously.

"Oh, you'll know soon, my boy!" A wicked grin crossed Fred's lips.

Harry, Ron, Fred and George were waiting for guests. They were supposed to show guests to their seats in Bill and Fleur's wedding. Harry was disguised as a Weasley cousin.

"There they come. Fleur's parents and relations" Fred said pointing to French crowd emerging from the distance.

"Bloody hell! Look at those girls! Are they Fleur's cousins?" George jumped onto his feet.

"Not so fast, man!" Fred pushed George aside and walked straight towards the half- Veela girls and greeted them. Then he lead them to their seats while throwing a wink at George, Ron and Harry who watched him jaw dropped.

"How did he do that so easily?" Asked Ron.

"Those were supposed to be my guests!" George complained under his breath as he left to greet older crowd.

Once all the guests were setteled down, George joined again with boys and took seat for ceremony. Fred was beaming beside him. George was still annoyed with Fred.

"Fred, what are you playing at? How could you keep all the girls to yourself" he asked.

"I know man! Am I such a chickmagnet? Don't worry, I will introduce few to you" Fred replied.

"I wonder, Sophie would be happy to hear about your behavior." George said giving an evil grin to Fred.

"Exactly my point. She got to know what kinf of girls would come if she let go of a dashing guy like me" Fred replied.

Ron, Harry and George snorted to their drinks.

"So that's your plan? Making her jealous? Seriously? She'll be really angry, mate" George laughed.

"Imagine her face when she learned this" Fred slapped his knees as they both laughed.

He looked at Fleur's cousins who threw furtive looks at him. Fred stood up.

"No time to waste. Let's go Georgie. I need good pictures with them before we proceed. No Ron, you are not going anywhere. You sit here and take a good care of Aunt Muriel" said Fred pointing at their old Aunt.

Then George and Fred walked towards the giggling girls.

The girls were absolutely stunning. George couldn't say which one looked best. Sheets of golden hair bouncing behind their backs everytime they shifted their heads, rosy cheeks flushed, thin lips, 'They got their Veela traits alright.' George thought. They giggled to everything Fred or George said. The girls were perfect, menacingly perfect, George felt.

After dancing with Veela cousins, George joined Ron and Fred who sat watching the people in dance floor.

"Tired already ?" George asked Fred.

"My eyes need a rest from that white perfection. I think I have gone half blind. I miss my Fi" replied Fred rubbing his eyes. He turned his head to George and added, " You are not going to say that to her"

George nodded. He understood why Fred miss Sophie's dark figure.

"Why didn't you invite her, if you miss her that much?" Ron said.

"I know I should have. So you both could sit here and frown at people dancing. She could frown at me while you could carry on with what you are doing right now." Fred said pointing at Hermione and Krum dancing.

"I did not frown at them. I was just watching everyone." Ron snapped.

"Exactly. Only you didn't see there are more people in dance floor than those too" Fred teased.

George was about to add something to Fred's teasing, but they all jumped from a loud crack and a silver patronus appeared before them. Kingsley Shacklebolt's voice filled the tent.

"Ministry has fallen. They are coming to get you!"

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