5. The Past is Haunting me

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Hero Pov:

Seeing Jo being carried away from me, felt like part of my soul was going with her. I know I haven't actually known her that long but it feels like we've known each other for an eternity.

It's been two days since the crash, when the paramedics came to check on me after they took Jo I broke down like a pussy infornt of them. They could clearly tell that i was physically fine from a little check up they did on me. They told me to go home and get some rest. At first i protested the idea, but they then told me that she was going straight to surgery and visitors wouldn't be allowed for two days at least, anyway.

But today I get to go see her. I look like shit though, from all the crying that I have been doing in these last two days.

I have called the hospital multiple times but they keep on telling me that since I'm not family, that cant tell me anything. I dont this Josephine realizes how incredibly sorry I am for getting her in this situation. Will she even want to see me? I couldn't give a shit about my car, I just hope Jo is okay. For now I am renting a car until mine gets fixed.

Leaving my apartment, I speed to the hospital. Making sure to look out for drunk drivers though. The guy that hit us was a drunk driver and he was arrested. But if anything happens to Jo, I swear that I will kill the man.

Arriving there I rush to the front desk asking what room she is in. I am told she is on the 2nd floor. The walk to the room, I start sweating and I'm hella nervous. When I open up the door, I can feel tears stinging my eyes all over again.

She is laying on the bed on her back asleep. I cant help the huge sense of relief that washes over me just at the sight of her. I take a seat on a chair next to her bed and I grasp her small delicate hand in my large one. I lean in and whisper into her ear, "I'm so sorry Jo. The night wasnt supposed to end like that, we didn't even get to have our first kiss. I would give anything for you to stay." Oh god, I'm crying again. Fuck!

In the middle of another breakdown, I feel her cold hand slightly grasp mine giving it a light squeeze. I look up to see her slightly struggling to open her eyes. When she does, I am met with the most incredible pair of eyes that I have ever seen.

"Hero?" She says through dry, cracked lips. "I'm here, I'm here baby!" I say excitedly. I'm so happy she is awake.

"W-what happened, where am I?" She asks.

"Your in the hospital, love. We got into a car crash." I let her know.

"Wait, are you okay?" She asks. Of course my sweet Josephine is worried about me. Always so caring.

"Baby, I'm fine. We need to worry about you being okay. Your safety is my top priority." I say and give her a reassuring smile. "You need to rest and heal."

"First can we do something really quick?" She asks unsure of what I am going to say.

"Of course, what is it?"

"C-can you k-kiss me?" I cant help the stupid grin spreading across my face.

Instead of answering her, I just lean in and lightly press my lips onto hers not wanting to hurt her more. When I pull back her eyes look filled with light and life, opposite of how they looked just a minute ago.

"Thank you." She speaks.

"No, thank you love."

Eventually she falls back to sleep, I decide to stay here and I fall asleep in the chair next to her bed, holding her hand. I wake up to soft crys and screams. I snap my eyes open to find a sleeping Jo crying hysterically and softly screaming.

I shake her lightly while saying her name to wake her. When she wakes, she snaps her eyes open, they are filled with fear.

"Jo, what happened?" I ask frantically.

She softly replies with, "just the past coming back to haunt me."

Note from author❤:

Sorry to end it at another cliff hanger. I hope you like this chapter, I know it's a little bit short, but I promise the next chapter will be longer.

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