6. Secrets

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Hero Pov:

After Jo had woken up from her nightmare, she refused to talk about what the dream had contained. But if she really didnt want to talk about then I wasn't going to push her. God knows how many of my own secrets I keep locked up.

After her roomates found out what happened, they came rushing into the hospital, flowers and balloons in hand. Unfortunately Jo was sleeping, so they wernt able to talk to her, and there was no way I was going to allow them to wake her up from her rest.

But today, after a week of being in the hospital, they are finally letting her leave this hell hole. While Jo was in the hospital bathroom changing into some fresh clothes that Inanna and Khadijah brought for her when the doctor requested to talk to me.

"Mr. Finnes-Tiffen, I have some news to share with you about your girlfriend's health condition. I wanted to share it with you first because I dont want to overwhelm her and make it worse." The doctor states. I nervously nod for him to continue.

"When we were doing scans on her body to look for further damage... we found something that wasn't caused by the crash but was already there..." man this doctor is taking a long ass time to just get to the point.

"I'm sorry but your girlfriend has brain cancer." I feel like the whole world has stopped spinning. I sit down thinking I might just faint from this news.

"H-how long do y-you think she has to live?" I cant help but ask.

"A few months if we dont start treatment immediately." Oh god. I barely got a chance to know this girl and now I'm not even going to get a chance to know her. No Hero! Think positive, dont be such a pessimist, Jo needs you.

Just now Jo exits the bathroom.

"Ready to go?" I ask, I will tell her later in a better setting than a dreadful hospital.

"Yep." She says with a smile.

Josephine Pov:

When I exit the bathroom, Hero looks like he just saw a ghost. I wonder why, he takes my hand and we quickly exit.

I'm so happy to finally get out of there. It was so depressing and smelt bad. Since getting to the car, Hero hasn't made eye contact with me once.

During the drive back to my place, he suddenly speaks, "Jo?"

"Yes Hero?"

"When we get back to your place, there is something really important that I have to tell you." He is being so weird.

"Um okay." I respond.

Note from author❤:

I'm so sorry, I know this chapter is really short. I just had to get it out there so that I can smoothly make the next chapter. Dont worry the next chapter will be long.


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