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(TW?? Semi-sexual content, just saying).

Ivan yelled as Alfred fell through the ice. He hesitated before diving in to get him. He was shocked by the cold water, but quickly located Alfred and grabbed his arm. He pulled him to the surface, dragging him and the unconscious American onto the thicker ice.

Alfred was shaking and breathing faintly. Ivan pulled off his jacket and put it on Alfred, picking him up and running in the direction he came from. Getting lost constantly as a kid and having to find his way back alone had paid off. He crashed through the door, shutting it behind him. He remembered how to treat hypothermia and began to remove Alfred's soaked clothes with a blushing face.

"What the hell are you do- AL!" Canada was there in an instant, his face was pale. "What happened?!"

"He fell through the ice into a frozen lake," Ivan said as he pulled the American's pant off(he is still wearing boxers don't freak out). Oh god. Oh, god. Oh, god. The Russian blushed furiously and took off the shirt. He was shocked, seeing his bandaged arms and chest. He brushed it off and brought Alfred to the couch by the fire, getting him blankets and making sure his temperature was improving.

He sighed in relief then looked at Matthew. He looked so infuriated it made Ivan shiver. "What the hell did you do to him?!" England, France, Prussia, and Allen barreled in, processing the scene in front of them. Alfred was shivering, looking slightly blue, and covered in fur blankets. Canada had his intimidating aura surrounding him. And Russia actually looked a little bit timid.

"Why did you let him outside in the first place?!" Matthew shouted. Arthur raced over to check on his little brother. Francis watched from the sidelines, and Allen was trying to stop the fight. Alfred had come to and all he heard was shouting. He still felt a little cold, but the fire was constantly making him warmer. He noticed that he was in only his boxers and blushed, realizing that Ivan must have undressed him.

Then he remembered the bandages. Fuck. He thought, looking over his shoulder to see Mattie looking terrifying and Ivan looking frustrated. Both of their auras were spilling out and making the American panic. They're fighting because of you

You destroy everything

"ENOUGH!" Allen exclaimed, looking at his trembling brother. It took a second for the others to realize that he wasn't shaking because he was cold. Ivan instantly eased and his aura vanished, his expression softening. "I'm sorry Fredka..." He apologized, appalling everyone else.

Alfred opened his eyes and smiled slightly, before retreating under the blankets.

"So you didn't hurt my brother at all?"


"Then why does he have so many bandages on him?"

"I think I know" Allen cut in. Alfred's eyes widened and just as he was about to begin talking, Al lunged and tackled him to the floor. He stood up and wrapped himself in a blanket. Everyone looked at him with suspicion. " did you get those?" He asked, taking a step forward.

Alfred backed up slightly, putting on a fake smile. "It was just a little accident..." He lied, praying that he would believe him. He didn't. Allen got back up only to immediately be knocked back down. "What is going on Alfie?" Matthew asked. "N-nothing. Why would you say anything was going on?" He stuttered, and the answer clicked in Canada's mind.

"...You did that to yourself didn't you?" He said, and the look on Alfred's face gave it away. "Fredka..." Ivan grabbed his arm, and to Alfred's surprise, he pulled him in for a hug. The American blushed but hugged back, careful to keep the blanket around him. After the hug ended, America stayed silent, not answering the questions of his friends. He knew they were angry.

Frustration began to rise, not just in the other nations, but in Alfred. He was getting so sick and tired of the others making his life hell. He shut his eyes, clamped his fist and dug his nails into his skin. He was so angry all of a sudden. And just wanted to...

"SHUT UP!" he yelled, startling everyone. He finally opened his eyes, revealing fury inside of them. "So now you care? Not when you were all insulting me to my face at the meetings? Not when I ran out of the conference. But this is what makes you concerned?" He asked angrily, gesturing to Ivan. "A friend taking care of me?" The Russian gained a small smile at that.

Canada opened his mouth to talk, but Alfred had heard enough. He limped up the stairs and went into Ivan's room. He heard them begin to talk, and someone coming up the stairs. When the door opened, he was shocked to see Ivan. He looked at him with empathy, closing the door and sitting down next to him.

For the first time, Alfred realized he was shaking and not completely dry. His eyes met Ivan's, an unknown emotion stirring inside of him. "You dived in to get me?" He nodded, "Why?"

(This is where the stuff begins, lasts till the end of the chapter...DON'T JUDGE ME)

"Because that's what...friends do." He paused slightly in the middle. I shrugged it off and hugged him, not caring if I wasn't dressed. I nuzzled into his warmth. He was surprisingly warm for having dived into freezing water to save me. He smells nice... Alfred was taken back by his thought, pushing it away. He didn't want anything to get in the way of this friendship. The hug didn't part for what seemed like days, and the two liked that.

When they finally did, both of them were blushing lightly, butterflies tickling their stomachs. Alfred began to blush even harder, feeling Ivan's gaze trail over his body. The American hugged himself by the arms, feeling a weird sensation rising. He bit his lip when Ivan's hand forced his gaze to him. He blushed profusely, feeling the Russian's hand begin to slide down to his neck, then to his chest...then lower.

He snapped out of his little fantasy, red as a tomato. Ivan was staring at him with a matching face. The two looked away, feeling a warmth under their stomach. Just a slight tingle. But Alfred already felt himself beginning to get hard. He covered himself, hoping Ivan didn't see, but the excited side of him kinda hoped he did. He stood up, wrapping the blanket around him and exiting, thanking the Russian.

He hurried away and gave an excuse that he needed a hot shower. He stepped into the bathroom, the sensation beginning to throb. He let out a small moan. He had a choice. Kill the hard-on with a freezing shower, with it in here... Hesitated with the cold shower. He had developed an aversion to it already.

He decided.
He turned on the shower, took off his boxers, and stepped in. The warm water heated his body, running down his skin. He began to stroke his cock, moaning softly. He touched himself, feeling his erection swell and begin to leak. Precum slipped out through his slit, covering his member.

He let out a low moan, his strokes slightly speeding up. More short moans and grunts filled the room, being covered by the shower running. He felt a coil below his stomach, nearing his climax. He bit his lip to keep from letting out a loud moan when he finished.

He panted, cum running down the inside of his legs. He felt so embarrassed, but also relieved. He cleaned himself off and turned off the shower, drying himself. Then he remembered. He had no other clothes.


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