Chapter eight- Remus

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After awhile, I flew my broom close to the ground and jumped off "I'll be back later" Remus shouted up to Sirius and Peter. There was something I had to do, after the Yule Ball was announced, I just didn't have the chance to do it so far.

The only problem was, James has the map, which will make this more difficult. And once James and Sirius find out about this, they won't really let me live it down. Especially if they don't have dates to the ball and I some how do get one.

I walked into Hogwarts, heading towards the Library, I don't even know if that is where I should be heading. But it's worth a try, even if she wasn't there, I guess it won't be too bad to wait a little longer. But, then again it could, someone else could ask her, it wouldn't be surprising if someone did already.

The halls were nearly empty, a few students lingered around, some talking, some walking to their common rooms. Most of the students are probably at Hogsmeade, or outside enjoying the nice weather today.

I took a step into the Library with hesitance, now was the only time I wish James was here,  he wouldn't let me leave until I actually asked. I scanned the Library, I stopped on a group of girls studying at a table in a far corner of the room.

My heart started beating harder as I walked over to the table, would I be able to do this? What if already has a date? Or what if she says no? This is not helping me feel any less nervous about asking her, once I reached the table, I could barely hear anything but my heart beating.

"Hello, Melanie" I said, she looked up from one of her books and her friends looked at her then back at me "Can I talk to you for a moment?" I asked, I'm sure it was clear that I was nervous, very nervous at that.

Melanie nodded "Sure." she said, and got up from the table " I will be a moment" she said to her friends, and followed me a bit a way from the table she was once sitting at. Now is the time, I can't really back out now.

My hand shook as I ran it across a book from the shelf "I was wondering, with the Yule Ball coming up and all" I began, my hand shaking even more,  I looked at her "If you would like to go with me?" I asked as calmly as I could.

Melanie's face lit up with a smile "Sure, that would be great" she answered, I couldn't help but smile at her response. She actually is going with me! She said yes! I didn't think she would but she did!

"Really? Fantastic" I said "I will you get back to your friends" I added, glancing over at the people she was sitting with, they were staring at us. Probably wonder what we are talking about, or just watching me be painfully nervous.

Melanie nodded "I will see you in class tomorrow" she said, smiling once last time at me then walked back to her table.

I walked into the common room, not to much longer later, still surprised that Melanie said yes "Someone is happy" snickered James, I rolled my eyes and walked over to one of the chairs.

"Someone seems smug" I retorted, sitting across from James, he seemed more smug than usual today "But, you are correct, I am happy" I replied, leaning back in the chair.

James raised a brow "What has made you so happy, Moony?" he asked, Moony is the nickname they had given me when they found about my problem, I wasn't too fond of it at first, but after a while I got used to it.

"I asked Melanie to the Yule Ball, and she said yes" I answered, smiling. Today is probably the last day I will get a, a date to anything, easier than James. He actually had no luck asking anyone to the ball while we were at Hogmeade.

James smirked "Moony finally asked the girl he has been gawking at since the first year to the ball, congratulations" he teased.

"I haven't been gawking at her since the first year here" I denied, hoping that I wasn't starting to turn red. When James went to speak again, I cut him off "What about you? What has gotten you more smug than usual?" I asked, turning the subject off of me.

James folded his arms behind his, still smirking "I got a date to the ball as well" he stated, seeming quite proud of it too. I'm surprised he hasn't gone around bragging about it, maybe he has and I just missed it while I was up in the library.

"And who would the that be? as I recall, everyone turned you down while you were out asking at Hogsmeade" I question, making James' smirk vanish and him glare at me, it was not his finest hour there.

Sitting up straighter, James stared at me "Well, for your information, I am taking Carrielle to the yule ball." he replied, I stared at him in shock. He's taking Carrielle? He had said himself, she was off limits to him before, yet now he is going with her?

Just as I went to tell him exactly that, someone beat me to speaking "You're taking my sister to the ball!?" snapped Sirius, who neither James nor I noticed was standing there,  James' face paled. Someone didn't break the news to Sirius before now...

James stood up "Yeah, I am." he answered, I stayed seated, but watched them carefully,  just in case this got out of hand. Which it undoubtedly will, with how hotheaded they both are.

"Why are you taking my sister to the ball?" Sirius asked, still very angry, I looked over at James, wanting to know the answer as well. I thought he would pester Lily into going with him, by asking her so many times that she would figure its easier to say yes than to keep saying no.

James looked away for a brief second then looked back at Sirius "You would ask my sister if I had one" he said, avoiding the question. I raised a brow, why would he avoid it anyway? James never avoids questions..

Sirius shook his head "No I wouldn't because she would be your sister." he replied "Yet you asked my TWIN to the ball, you don't ask a guy's sister to do anything!" he added.

"Yet, she is still better looking than you" muttered James, with in a matter of seconds, Sirius lunged at James. I leapt to my feet to break things up, I knew this would happen, I just knew it would.

To the best of my ability, I held Sirius back away from James "Stop acting like children" I said, struggling to hold Sirius back "Sirius, I'm sure James will treat Carrielle fine, and James, you said it yourself, Carrielle is off limits to you, but what is done is done. Now you two grow up." I said.

It was one of those days where I felt more like their father than their friend, but lets be honest, if I wasn't here, they probably would've gotten expelled or killed each other.

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