Chapter ten- Carrielle

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A/n: So sorry for the wait! Been ill and been getting lots of storms! Hopefully we will be updating more often now that school is out! - Carrielle <3

I walked along side Sirius, shaking my head in annoyance “Sirius, you need to get over it.” I said for what felt like the millionth time in an hour alone, but with Sirius you would have to repeat yourself multiple times to get it through the thick head of his.

Sirius shook his head quickly, making some of his curls fall into his face “I'm not getting over it” he said, clearly annoyed as well “Best friend or not, I don't want James taking you to the ball.” he added for the millionth time.

Looking at Sirius I raised a brow “Would you rather me go with one of the blokes from Durmstrang?” I questioned, knowing that he wasn't particularity fond of them, there were a few that he despised quite a bit as well.

“No!” snapped Sirius making me sigh “I don't want you going with one of them but I don't want you to go with James either.” he said stubbornly, I honestly don't get the big deal is with me going to James at all.

I rolled my eyes “What is so wrong with me going to the ball with James? I figured you'd be happy that I was going with someone you knew, I had no idea you would get your pants in a bunch.” I said.

Though while I did think that Sirius would at least okay with me going with James, he was also the only person who asked me, I was new here and no one really knew me, and I wasn't as stunning and mysterious as girls from Beaubaxtons despite having gone there awhile you don't know James like I do.”stated Sirius.

“Obviously I don't, since Its only my first year here and he is your best friend, also since you are having a fit about this.” I said glancing over at Sirius “ And you obviously don't know me that well or you forgot I know how to take care of myself” I added.

Sirius rolled his eyes “That is not the point” he replied, don't get me wrong, I love Sirius and all. But sometimes he can be a big baby, even though this is probably more of a brother thing.

I walked ahead of Sirius “I trust him, Sirius.” I explained with a shrug, though I didn't know him as long as Sirius did, I don't see a reason not to trust him “And whether you approve or not, I may actually like him.” I said in a softer voice.

I wasn't one-hundred percent sure that I had those types of feelings for James, but if this was what having a crush on someone was like, then I probably do “Yes, cause that is exactly what I want to hear” Sirius groaned.

A tiny smile twitched onto my face “Still no need to get your trousers in a bunch over it” I snickered “Oh and brother dearest, instead of worrying about who I am going with, you should be worrying about who you are going with” I suggest cheerfully.

Even without looking back at Sirius, I could tell he was glaring at me for that comment “Thanks for reminding me” he said sarcastically “I do ever appreciate it sister dearest” he added in a mocking tone of voice.

Now, I couldn't help but laugh “You are quite welcome” I replied in a fake posh accent “I do highly suggest you find a date unless you want to be stuck with Peter all night, because you are the only one other without a date” I added grinning.

Sirius rolled his eyes and sighed dramatically “But I have no idea who to ask, and if she would say yes” he complained “And its so much work too” he went on, making me roll my eyes.

“Then you should figure it out before its too late now shouldn't you?”I asked teasingly before walking ahead, sometimes having Sirius as a brother, he could get irritated with me all he wants and he is still stuck with me.

A few hours later, I picked up my books that I had brought to the library, and gave a small wave to Melanie. She was the girl I sat with on the train, her and I talked a bit while I was there studying for my up coming Muggle Studies exam.

She had seemed to be in a relatively good mood, so when I questioned why out of pure curiosity. I discovered that she was in fact the girl Remus was taking to the ball, I knew that he had a date I just wasn't sure who.

It would explain why Remus has been seeming so happy lately, I had my suspensions about him having a crush on her. Mostly because he talks about her, a lot, but is usually to me since I can't imagine him talking to Sirius about it.

But when she asked who I was going with, and when I told her, she seemed confused. As were most of the girls who had asked me before, while some were jealous. I didn't get why some were confused, was it because I was new?

I suppose it's better than how Sirius reacted, like he was going to kill James while he slept. But even when I asked people why they seemed confused by who I was going with, they always said it was nothing.

Sure, James is what you would call popular, and he is on the Quidditch team, and from what Sirius has told me, a very good player. And I am just a girl who transferred from Beaubaxtons, who just happens to be the twin of Sirius.

But was that enough reason for them to be confused? Sure I didn't quite get why he would want to go to the ball with me, his best friends sister, but I tried not to question it too much.

I brought my books close to my chest and looked at the ground with a smile starting to form, thinking about the ball and how it was approaching pretty quickly was exciting. Sure we've had balls before at Beaubaxtons, but this was different.

But even though I felt was different, I didn't know truly why. Maybe because I have new friends here along with old ones? Even those Durmstrang guys, some of them were annoying, but there were some nice ones.

Suddenly, a blush crept onto my face and my smile grew wider. Or perhaps it was because I was going with James, and maybe I'm a little excited about going with him...

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07, 2013 ⏰

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