Chapter nine - Melanie

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I smiled to myself before closing the book I was working in; I was too excited to finish reading it.  Remus had actually asked me to the ball!  Me, of all people!  I stood up, book in hand, and nearly danced  out of the library.  The halls were surprisingly full of people, so I had to contain my excitement until I reached the Hufflepuff common room.

Once I was in the safety of the common room, i did a little dance (and was thankful no one was around to see it), then pulled out a roll of parchment, in order to write a letter to my mother.  I felt a little bad that this was the first time I was writing her, and it was only because I needed a dress, but it had to be done.   

When I'd finished the letter, I took my letter to the owlery, then returned to get ready for bed.

The next day was still rainy, which made the first class of the day even worse;  my first class was Care Of Magical Creatures, and we were still forced to go outside for the lesson.  The only way I survived that lesson was remembering that I had to survive for the Yule Ball.   

Later that day, I had double Potions again, Hufflepuff and Gryffindor (how lucky am i?!)  and this time, I didn't make a complete fool of myself.  Remus was sitting alone so I took the seat next to him.  "Hi," I half whispered, while trying not to grin like an idiot.  I managed a small, polite smile.   Of course, it was even harder to manage that once he replied.  "Hello there," he said with a smile, a gorgeous smile comparable to no one else's.   Seeing as Remus had left me unable to speak, I just sat in the seat next to him.  After I had regained my composure, I spoke to him again. "Excited for today's lesson?"  I asked, the question heavily dripping with sarcasm.   I really didn't like potions.  Remus chuckled, smiling once again, but this time I was immune...sort of.  "Not really, to be honest.  I'm better with books." he admitted, and I think my heart melted right there.  

After having Potions class, I went on to Transfiguration, then had History of Magic.  After these two horrible classes, lunch finally came.  I decided to eat quickly and spend the rest of my lunch hour in the library.  

Once in the library, I picked up a random book to read.  I sat at my usual table near the back and opened the book.   I'd barely gotten a few pages into the book when I felt a light touch on my shoulder.  I turned around, wondering who'd be interrupting my reading, but was soon met with an answer.  

"Hello," Carl said, brushing a few strands of ash blond hair from his face.  I half-nodded a greeting to him and opened my book again, hoping he would get the message.

He didn't.

"I wanted to ask you something." Carl continued, drumming his fingers on the back of my chair.  "Hmm..." I responded, if  that could be counted as a response, and turned the page in my book.  I sort of tuned out what he asked me and just answered 'yes' so he would leave me alone.  Thankfully, he did, and afterwards left the library without another word.

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