Chapter two- Carrielle

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I sat in the carriage next to Sirius while trying to keep my gaze away from James Potter, one of Sirius' best friend, if not his best friend. To get my mind off the fact I could feel James staring at me, I thought of the girl I met on the train, Melanie.

She seemed like a good person, it did surprise me however that she didn't question the fact that I looked like Sirius, especially after hearing that my last name was Black. But I liked not being asked that, after being asked that so many times it gets old.

When a question occurred to me, I looked over at Sirius "Hey, Sirius" I began "How does this sorting thing work?" I asked, I didn't need to be sorted at Beauxbatons, and I have no idea how things will work if you are supposed be sorted in your first year.

Sirius seemed to think for a moment, when he went to reply James cut him off "They put a sorting hat on you and it decides what house you are in, I don't know how they will do it since you aren't a first year and you are going into our year." James said.

I nodded, I think any normal person would question how a hat would sort us into a house. But then again, we aren't normal people, we are wizards. And muggles are not allowed to know about magic, so we have it keep it a secret, that's far from normal.

Once the Carriage came to a stop, I hopped out nervously, the castle seemed so much bigger up close... And it was nearly twice the size of Beauxbatons, and I thought that was large,  I feel as if getting lost is in my future, my near future.

Just as I went to follow Sirius, a older women in a emerald green robe walked up to me "Carrielle Black?" she questioned, just judging by her voice, she seems like a very strict person. I nod slowly "Follow me" she said, lead me away from the carriages.

I was lead into the castle through a passage then into some office, it was large and open. In the middle of the room, looking out of place in the office was a old wooden chair, it looked as if its been used for years,  but I am sure that could be fixed easily.

"Sit" Instructed the woman, whose name I have yet to be told, but if the acceptance letter and her doing this for me was any clue, it was the head mistress. Professor McGonagall,  I don't think I have heard Sirius talk about her before.

Looking around the room one more time, my eyes stopped on an old hat then it began to speak when it noticed my look "Oh you may not think I'm pretty,  but don't judge on what you see,  I'll eat myself if you can find  a smarter hat than me." it said, making my eyes grow wider in amazement.

Even after years of magic, things like this still amazed me, it's weird I know. The hat was picked up  carefully, I didn't look away almost afraid I would miss something, this was already much more interesting of a first day than it was at Beauxbatons.

I nervously tensed up when the hat was placed on my head, but relaxed  almost instantly again "Another Black." the hat stated "Which house to put you in" it continued "You might belong in Gryffindor,where dwell the brave at heart,their daring, nerve and chivalry set Gryffindors apart.

"You might belong in Hufflepuff,where they are just and loyal,those patient Hufflepuffs are true, and unafraid of toil" it continued  "Or yet in wise old Ravenclaw,if you've a ready mind,where those of wit and learning,will always find their kind." the hat said, it was hard not to feel a little nervous.

"Or perhaps in Slytherin,you'll make your real friends,those cunning folk use any means,to achieve their ends." it finished before a pause, Slytherin...  That and Gryffindor were the only two houses that truly stuck out to me, Gryffindor since that was the house Sirius' and his friends were in.

And Slytherin because that was the house my family wanted me in, the house if I wasn't in I was be disowned just like Sirius was. But, from what I have heard, it doesn't sound like a place I would enjoy, even if my parents say it is the best house.

"But, I will put you in..." the hat began before doing another pause, but this time it was shorter "Gryffindor!" It announced, Gryffindor like Sirius! I'm actually some what happy about that, the only thing I am worried about is if Regulus will tell our parents or not.

Once the hat was taken off my head, I got to my feet " Follow me, once you get to the great hall have a seat with your table." said who I still believe is Professor McGonagall, and  I did as she said and followed her again, this time we went to this huge hall with four tables.

I walked to in-between the Slytherin and the Gryffindor table and stopped, catching the curious looks from both Sirius and Regulus. Both probably wondering what house I was got sorted into, both of them probably expecting Slytherin judging from our families history.

With a deep breath, I walked over to the Gryffindor table and sat down at the end, earning a surprised look from Sirius. This year is going to be an interesting one, that is for sure,  but  hopefully it will be a fun one. And much different from Beauxbatons.

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