Chapter one- Melanie

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A/n: This first chapter is written by 'Melanie' :) the next one will be written by me  *'Carrielle'* I hope you enjoy it. We do not own any of the Characters, execpt of course Melanie and Carrielle. All rights go to J.K. Rowling.

I dragged my trunk through the barrier, into Platform Nine and Three-Quarters, and hoped that none of the Muggles had seen me. I laughed at the name that wizards had come up with for non-magical people. I couldn't picture my mother as a 'Muggle'; the word was too strange for someone as ordinary as her.

I looked at the watch my mother gave me for my eleventh birthday. The time was 10:37 a.m. There were exactly twenty-two minutes until the train would come and carry me away to Hogwarts for the fourth time. I let my cat, Felix out of his carrier and held him in my lap. He hopped out of my lap and ran away somewhere, leaving silver hairs on my new sweater. I don't go after him though; he always finds his way back to me when the train arrives.

I brushed the hairs off of my sweater and looked around for some friends when a familiar group of boys caught my eyes. There were three (sometimes four) of them, and they called themselves the Maruaders. 

James Potter was a tall-ish boy, with unruly black hair and round glasses. Besides being a prankster and a troublemaker, he was also known for being the Seeker on the Gryffindor Quidditch team.

Sirius Black was a member of the Black family, who was, for some reason, sorted into Gryffindor. I assumed that his parents must hate him, or at least dislike him a lot, because as far as I knew, everyone in his family was a Slytherin. 

Remus Lupin was the quiet one; I didn't understand why he hung out with the other two. He made good marks, and was quiet, most of the time. He spent a lot of time in the library, and I was pretty sure he'd be a prefect next year. He'd probably make Head Boy, too.

There was also Peter Pettigrew, but to me he seemed like a charity case so I didn't really count him. 

I pulled out a copy of Alice in Wonderland that my little sister had given me. I wasn't a big fan of books like this, but everything else was locked up in my trunk. I opened the book and started to read.

After what seemed like five minutes, I could hear the train whistle blowing. I looked up and saw Felix sitting at my feet. I smiled a little, picked him up, and placed him in his carrier. Afterwards, I picked up my things and headed for the train.

Once I was on the train, I pushed and shoved past people so I could get an empty compartment. Surprisingly, it worked this year. I quickly found and empty compartment and rushed inside, slamming the door shut down.

The train hadn't even started yet when I hear a knock at the door. I looked up and saw a girl with dark, curly hair. I was certain I'd never seen her before, but she looked kind of familiar. She slid the door open and said, "Anyone sitting here?" I shook my head and she stepped inside, not waiting to be invited.

She sat in the seat across from me and smiled a little. "Nice sweater." she said. I looked down, forgetting I was wearing. I'd bought the yellow and black-striped sweater yesterday, specifically because of the colors. "Thanks." I replied, giving her a smile in return. "I'm Melanie, by the way. Melanie Check. " I added; my father always said that showing confidence made a good impression, and she seemed like a good friend to have.

"I'm Carrielle Black." she said quietly. I blinked a few times and realized why she looked familiar; she looked like the female version of Sirius Black. I didn't say anything about it though; I didn't want to look creepy or anything. I just nodded and leaned back in my seat, pulling out a copy of Witch Weekly. 

It was already dark when we finally arrived at Hogwarts, like it usually was. I was pushed and shoved and nearly trampled on my way off of the train; probably my punishment for doing the same to the poor first years earlier. I pushed forward towards the front and got on one of the carriages. I sat there, and waited for the carriage to move.

While I was waiting, I saw Carrielle walk over to a carriage containing the four Marauders. Carrielle was saying something to Sirius, but I couldn't hear because of the distance. Remus started speaking, but I still couldn't hear what was being said.

Then, Remus got off of the carriage, giving his seat up for Carrielle. I smiled a little; he was such a nice guy. He started heading in my direction and I started hoping that he wouldn't sit in my carriage; I'd probably die, or make a fool of myself, which would be even worse.

Of course, my good luck ran out and he hopped inside my carriage. He looked at me, smiled a little, and said, "Hope you don't mind." I shook my head and pulled out my magazine. I stared at the same page the entire ride, and if Remus noticed, he didn't say anything. 

I was extremely happy when the ride was over; I probably would have exploded if it lasted any longer. I quickly hopped off and headed inside with the rest of the students.

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