"Sweetie, our territory is big. It would take at least four, maybe five days to give you a full tour. We own the whole province," Katherine explained as Kaira's mouth fell into an 'O' shape. 

"Oh, well, then can you give me a tour of the closer areas, please?" Kaira questioned with an innocent smile and prayed that these women wouldn't suspect her. She needed to explore the area close to Alpha Crimson's personal mansion so that she could plan out her escape. 

"Alright, let me ask Kay first though!" Leighton stated and before Kaira could stop her, the younger girls eyes glazed over, indicating that she had already mindlinked her brother. 

"Oh, allow me to help you, mom" Kaira stood up to help Katherine with the dishes. She had quickly learnt during breakfast that Alpha Crimson refused to let any woman into his personal mansion. Their family mansion and pack house has maids but not his personal home because he doesn't like strangers in his home. 

"Thank you, sweetie," Katherine smiled at her thoughtful daughter and passed her the wet dishes. Kaira began to wipe the dishes with a black kitchen towel as her eyes trailed over to the breakfast table where Leighton was still mindlinking her brother. 

After several minutes, Leighton skipped into the kitchen and took a hold of Kaira's arm. She began to drag a stunned Kaira out of the house. Kaira was convinced that her mate would have declined her request to go outside so this came as a surprise. 

'Don't tell me that man let down his guard because of what happened last night?' Kaira was lost in her thoughts before she saw a sleek black Rolls Royce waiting outside for her and Leighton. There were two white Range Rovers parked behind the car and realization finally dawned upon Kaira. 

"I'm sorry, Kay can be a bit overprotective at times..." Leighton had followed Kaira's gaze and noticed her discomfort at the endless amount of guards. 

'Overprotective, my ass! He just wants to make sure I don't escape. That sneaky bastard!' Kaira cursed him to hell and back in her heart. 

"No, it's alright. He just wants us safe!" Kaira gave her a sweet smile before hopping into the Rolls Royce as the driver held the door open for the two young ladies. 

"Thank you, Sir" Kaira smiled towards the older man as he held the door open and his smile widened in return. 

Truthfully, many rumours had spread about Alpha Crimson's mate in the past few weeks. Some rumours stated that Kaira ran away from Alpha Crimson because she couldn't stand his murderous, cold-heart. Other rumours stated that she was evil and that it was Alpha Crimson who rejected her. Upon meeting her though, the guards and driver realized that there wasn't an evil bone in their young mistress' body. 

Together, three cars set off as Leighton was determined to give Kaira a tour of as much of their territory as she could. 


Kaira was utterly exhausted and deeply regretted asking Leighton to show her around their territory. The land was never-ending and within the past two hours, Kaira had been shown hundreds of locations. She had seen the nearest hospitals, malls, parks, pack house, a few school buildings and many homes along the way. She somehow managed to convince Leighton to not tour the inside of the malls and pack house so they only drove around. 

Currently, they were on their way back to Alpha Crimson's personal mansion and Kaira had lowered her window and slightly stuck her head out. She was enjoying the gentle breeze as her long, brown hair flowed with the wind. Leighton had fallen asleep beside her and Kaira didn't have the heart to wake the poor girl up. She even instructed the driver to drive slowly to which he smiled at her thoughtfulness and drove slowly. 

Alpha Crimson's Unpredictable Mate Where stories live. Discover now