Chapter 10

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Kaira hurried through the crowded bar with her eyes firmly planted on the ground. Surrounding her, humans danced to the club music played by the DJ and consumed alcohol as well as drugs. Kaira had never experienced such an atmosphere before since she didn't care to join her friends when they went clubbing back home. Her nose unconsciously scrunched up in distaste as the scent of strong alcohol, drugs and lust filled the air.

Still dressed in her sweatpants and white tank top from the night before, Kaira looked like a hot mess. Her hair was in a messy top bun, with a few strands framing her delicate, pale face and her brown eyes held under bags that betrayed her poor sleeping schedule. After running away from Alpha Crimson at the concert, Kaira almost drove to a new town before realizing that she should outsmart the powerful man instead.

Every time Alpha Crimson almost caught her, she chose to run to a new province or town. Kaira figured that he would expect the same outcome and chase after her. Thus, she calmly collected her thoughts and drove back to Tammy's home. This time, she planned to stay in this town and book a flight ticket abroad instead of driving around. Her emergency funds were quickly running out and she couldn't afford to continue buying second-hand vehicles and paying for gas with cash so as to not leave a trail behind.

Upon returning to Tammy's home, Kaira had parked her car across the street and heard a young, teenage couple arguing over getting fake I.D's that would help them sneak them into the town's local bar tonight. Kaira took note of the name and went inside Tammy's home to clean things up for them. She could not predict whether her mate would harm them, thus she wanted to help in any way she could.

Currently, it was almost 9 pm at night and Kaira rushed over to the little town's local bar so that she could have a fake passport made. She wasn't stupid, nor was her mate. The bounty placed on her was still active and she figured that local authorities and airports would be on the lookout for her if she stuck with her real name and identification papers. Thus, she wanted to make a new one by tonight and book a flight for early morning.

"Ma'am, state your business," a burly man, dressed in a black suit, guarded the back door of the bar. Despite his intimidating appearance, Kaira did not bat an eyelash. She could smell his human scent, and although she never accepted her status as a Luna, she was still as powerful as any Luna werewolf.

"Fake passport," Kaira didn't want to beat around the bush. She looked at him through her black sunglasses and showed him a small pouch filled with cash.

The bodyguard's eyes widened before quickly speaking into his earpiece. Once receiving approval, he nodded towards Kaira and opened the door for her.

Kaira stepped into the dark room where one man stood beside several machines. The man himself wasn't anything like she expected. He was much older, probably in his late 50s, of Asian descent. His face was handsome, but marred with scars and wrinkles. Kaira could see his posture tense as he heard her enter the room but he continued his work and did not turn around to face her.

"Good evening, I need a passport," Kaira began as she approached the man with cautious footsteps. She didn't bother asking his name, since people in his line of business would just give a fake one anyway.

"I heard. How long?" The man's curt reply made a small smile grace the shewolf's face. She felt repulsed ever since she stepped foot in the bar, especially after having left poor Simba alone in her car. So, the fact that this man was also straightforward helped a lot and she would be able to leave quickly after. 

"Tonight, in a few hours if possible," Kaira's voice was firm and left no room for any objections. The room fell silent for a few seconds as the man carefully cut the picture of the fake I.D he was working on.

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