Chapter 9

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Three days ago, Alpha Crimson was confident that he would finally have his mate by his side. Even during her dramatic attempt at escaping as she held the broken glass to her neck, Alpha Crimson was still confident since he knew that his Alpha speed would catch her before she hurt herself.

Who would have thought that the lights would shut off, and allow his mate to run outside the ballroom and lock the doors shut.

Within seconds, Alpha Crimson had reached the doors and was about to tear it open but somebody tackled him in the darkness.

Judging by the scent, he could tell that it was Beta Rick and instantly regretted letting him off with just a neck squeeze before. He should've ended the pathetic Beta's life when he had the chance. But a certain pair of big, frightened dark brown eyes stopped him from doing so.

"Crimson!" Beta Zachariah yelled before throwing Beta Rick off of his cousins body.

Another Beta attacking an Alpha in front of that Alpha's Beta was extremely disrespectful. It meant that the other Beta felt that the Beta was weaker than him and wouldn't be able to protect his own Alpha.

Beta Zachariah shifted into his wolf and charged towards Beta Rick who was coughing out blood on the ground. He was going in for a throat kill but was pulled back by Alpha Crimson.

"Back off. He's your Luna's family," Alpha Crimson released a warning growl and Theta Grant pulled the furious Beta away.

Alpha Crimson kicked down the ballroom doors before running out front with his Beta and Theta in tow.

Upon reaching outside, he heard the screeching of tires speeding away from the pack house at an unimaginable speed.

"Get the fucking car, now!" Alpha Crimson yelled towards Theta Grant and approached the gates to see who dared open them for his mate.

Inside the gate booth, there was a teenage pup who was trembling in fear under the immense pressure and rage exuding from the powerful Alpha's body.

Alpha Crimson sneered at the boy before lifting him up into the air with a tight grip around his neck. The poor boy struggled to breathe under his vice like grip.

"Alpha Crimson, please let Evan go," Beta Carol stuttered out as she cried for her innocent pack member.

Alpha Crimson's eyes were black as he turned to Beta Carol. She fell onto the floor in fear and began to crawl backwards. She had never seen such pitch black eyes before. When she looked into them, it was as if she could hear the screams and begging of Alpha Crimson's previous victims.

"Don't tell me, you had something to do with this?" Alpha Crimson threw the pup aside and began to make his way towards the frightened Beta.

He stopped in his tracks when his Beta and Theta came running towards him, without his car.

"Alpha, someone slashed the tires, we can't drive it," Theta Grant revealed as Alpha Crimson let out a thunderous growl that shook the ground.

"SHIFT. If we don't find my mate tonight, I will destroy this whole province, mark my words Beta Carol," Alpha Crimson threatened before the three men shifted into their wolves and sprinted towards the border.

It has been three days since his mate escaped from Beta Rick's party. The three men had tried to pursue her vehicle in their wolf form but since Alpha Crimson did not know her real scent, it made it difficult for them. As soon as they reached the highway, too many cars and scents mingled together making their mission an utter failure.

Alpha Crimson exited the rogue prison located on the outskirts of the province of Katric. He was still on Beta Rick's territory in case his mate returned there.

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