LVII. The other side

Start from the beginning

"She's kidding." Stefan laughs. "You two should loosen up. Come on, you said you were hungry." Stefan says, holding out his arm. I get up, linking my arm with his.

"Starving." We start to walk away and Stefan hums.

"You know, you can't kill her. Klaus will kill you." Stefan tells me as we walk down the street.

"One, I know, two, Klaus won't kill me, Three, just because i can't kill her, doesn't mean i can't almost kill her." I smirk. Stefan shoots me a look, sighing and shaking his head.

"You truly are a little monster." He smirks.

"And don't you forget it." Stefan stops us and i frown, giving him an odd look, "What the hell's wrong with you?"

"Did you see that?" He asks.

"See what?" We turn and i jump slightly, seeing Lexi. "Lexi." Stefan and i both state shocked, Damon killed her, how is she alive?

She gives us a small smile, "Hi."

"You're dead." Stefan deadpan.

"Technically, so are you guys." She hums.

"Then how the hell can we see-"

"See me? Yeah, i have no idea." Lexi shrugs. "And i have no idea how long it's going to last. So let's get right to the point, you're off the rails big time, both of you." She glares.

"Look, i don't know how you're here, but you need to leave us alone, okay?" Stefan glares, starting to pull me to walk. Lexi shoves him back and i frown.

"Now what kind of friend would i be if i didn't help you guys out of this mess you're in?" She smirks.

"We don't want your help." I state.

"Stefan says that every time. 'I don't want your help, i don't want to get better, leave me alone.'." She mocks.

"Well, maybe you should listen this time." Stefan snaps.

"Or maybe, i should do this." Lexi slams Stefan's head into the car window, i turn to her, hissing, "I hoped it'd be easier with you." She huffs, quickly snapping my neck.


I groan, looking up. I try to move my arms, feeling the chains restricting my arms. I look up, seeing Elena and Lexi. I narrow my eyes at them, Lexi giving me a small smile. "Morning sunshine." She smiles, she looks over to Stefan, kicking his chair, "Wake up, sleepyhead. How you two feeling?"
I stay silent, glaring at them. Stefan struggles against the chains and i roll my eyes.

He lets out a humorless chuckle, looking up to Lexi, "What is this? Let me out of here!" Lexi shushes him, rolling her eyes.

"Inside voices, please. I'm trying to get inside your head." She explains, "I'll get to you soon." She smiles, i give her a sarcastic smile, pulling at my chains, hearing then groan, refusing to break. I smirk knowing if i keep going and pull hard enough, they'll break. Thank god for extra supernatural strength.

Stefan lets out another humorless chuckle, glancing to Elena. "Elena, get rid of her please."

"No." Elena argues.

"First step, drying them out." Lexi huffs. "Starve away the blood lust. Strip the temptation."

"This isn't going to work, Lexi." Stefan laughs. "You can't do this."

"You heard the not pretty part?" Lexi asks, Elena nodding.

"I heard you." My eyes widen as i look over to Elena. Lexi bends down, getting Eye-level with Stefan.

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