"Whatever. You're here now. Help us get out of here," Rick said.

Gunfire had started behind us.

"This way!" Michonne said.

We ran toward the fence to where a school bus blocked a gap in it. There was a man standing there in a prison uniform, gesturing for us to hurry.

"Who's that?" I asked.

"He's one of us. His name is Oscar," Rick said.

"Imma hang back and cover you," Daryl said.

"Daryl, we have to stick together," I said.

"I'm right behind you," he said.

He stopped and started firing at the ones who were firing at us.

"He'll be fine, Kari. We gotta move," Andrea said.

I nodded and went over to where the man was.

"Come on. Hurry," he said.

He helped me and Andrea onto the bus. I turned to see Michonne coming toward us and then there was a shot that sounded close. I looked to Rick and Daryl to see if either of them had been hit.

"Oscar!" Rick shouted.

Oscar was on the ground and not moving. Rick then went over and fired a shot at his head.

"Rick! Daryl! Come on!" I shouted.

Rick got onto the bus and had us climb down the other side of it. Once we were on the other side of the bus, we turned to make sure Daryl was coming over the bus. Minutes passed and he still hadn't come.

"What's taking him so long?" I asked, sounding desperate.

"Michonne, take Kari back to the car. Andrea and I will see where he went," Rick said.

"Let me help," I said.

"No," Andrea said.

"Kari, Andrea and Michonne told me what he did to you. I'm not gonna risk having you close to that monster again. We'll get Daryl back. I promise," Rick said.

He was a man of his word.

"Okay," I said softly.

"Come on, Kari," Michonne said.

She and I disappeared into the tress while Rick and Andrea went to find another way in.

Michonne and I walked in silence for a bit before I said anything.

"Did you take care of him?" I asked her.

"I tried. I was so close to killing him but one of his people interrupted. I left him a nice scar in the process, though," she said a little heated.

"I would have loved to have been with you. Either way, he'll get what he deserves. I know that for sure," I said.

"Did he hurt you again?" she asked.

"No. He almost did. And he would of if Merle hadn't come to talk to him," I said.

"You don't think he did that on purpose do you? He shot me, Kari," she said.

"No. I think it was all just a big coincidence. I know he shot you. I'll never forgive him for that. Why'd you tell Rick about what happened? Did you tell anyone else?" I said.

"No. Andrea said that we should tell him. He's the leader isn't he?" she asked.

"Yeah. But still, you shouldn't have told him. What happened to me is my story to tell and mine alone," I said, walking past her.

We walked further into the trees for a while until the trees slowly started to part. We walked all the way to the car that was parked just on the other side of the road.

"You're right, Kari. We shouldn't have told Rick. But we had to guarantee that the asshole didn't try anything else. You've already been through enough," she said once we were at the car.

I sighed.

"Where is it that they call home?" I said wanting to change the subject.

"A prison about seven miles from here," she said.

"A prison? That's practical," I said.

"It's a safe place," she said.

I looked over at her.

"Would you consider staying with us?" I asked.

She looked down.

"I don't know. I don't know those people all that well," she said.

"I didn't know Rick and his group when they showed up at the farm I was at. But I did. You can get to know the others too," I said.

"We'll see how it goes. You should get in and get some sleep," she said.

"You should too," I retorted.

"I know but I'll stay on watch. You need it more. Go on. Don't make me knock you out," she said.

I rolled my eyes but went to open the door and climbed in, leaving the door open just a bit to let the breeze in. I rested my head on my arm and was able to close my eyes without a worry since arriving at Woodbury.

Endure and Survive (Sequel to How We Live Now)Where stories live. Discover now