he felt disgusting as he heard the voices of his parents. m/n's parents had done the typical abduction mistake, instead of alerting the police, they came with the ransom, genuinely believing they could have their son back. m/n could hear their pleads- desperately begging for their son to return to them, whilst the merciless men laughed. their cruel mocking gave him chills, and before m/n even realised it happened...

loud, ear-piercing sounds punctured the air.

gunshots. they were gunshots. m/n's heart stopped, his hands went numb, he couldn't feel anything, his world was spinning and he couldn't even see. though, no tears fell from his eyes. where was his movie cliche? why wasn't he crying? he never knew. from that on, m/n could never truly see himself correctly afterwards. there was most definitely something wrong with him for not crying.

a week later, the police found him, bound onto the same chair which he hadn't moved an inch from. his abductors were caught in the same building, intoxicated off of their hooks. arrested each of them, all seven, and sentenced to prison for the murder of m/n's parents and also his kidnapping. they were each sentenced over fifty years, already old in age, they were sure to rot in prison. 

m/n inherited everything from his parents. their belongings, their house and even the money that had gotten them killed.

he ran away. m/n ran away to america, to a relative who never really cared for him anyways. but it was better than being in japan where he got his parents murdered. his small, weak heart couldn't handle the overflowing, endless guilt, and so he promised himself he'd return when he was strong, strong enough to handle the pain and look past it.

here m/n was. he was strong now. he was prideful, but he'd come to accept and embrace it. he'd grown big and tall, healthy, good-looking, confident. even if he did have some personality problems as daichi stated, he was growing and changing.

for once, happily, he sat at home. home no longer had that bitter feeling, it felt rather welcoming. it was a smooth, calming embrace which seemed to gulf him in, and m/n contently accepted it. home was no longer suffocating, he felt truly alive at home, the way he did with karasuno.

karasuno. some of those boys were truly irreplaceable in his heart. they held positions in places m/n had never even thought about letting people into. 


m/n's phone rang inside of his pocket. the vibration alerted him as he pulled it out, checking the contact name. 'hitoka~ ✦'. it surprised him, hitoka hadn't called him since he'd given her his number. they'd only texted occasionally. without wasting any more time, m/n picked up the call.



"the news? nope, why?"



 there was a deafening silence in m/n's ears. as quiet as the calm before the storm. a silence so quiet, that it felt like he were screaming. screaming, pleading, wishing for it to be a dream. he could no longer hear yachi's voice over the phone, there was no point. he ended the call.

the calm before the storm was truly petrifying.

his shoulders sunk, he threw his head back on the sofa, staring emptily at the ceiling. that wasn't the way he wanted the world to find out. the world- which once betrayed him, he never wanted them to know. he hated the world for loving him. if the world had not loved him, he would never of lost his parents. if the world had not rewarded him, he wouldn't of lost those he loved most dearly.

what even was the point? the world had found out.

was there even a point anymore? 

assessing his situation, he was pathetic. he had only barely an hour ago decided he would live proud, and here he was, slumping in his own despair. before felt like a positive fever dream, like seeing a mirage in a desert. a bitter chuckle escaped hims lips- there was no way in hell he was ever going to be content in life.

screw it. he'd just continue living the way he had. suffocating in his own misery, only showing himself to be happy in the eyes of others. he just had to continue acting, until it was all over. until he could rest from his agony. 

m/n l/n was not perfect. 

he was hurt, hurt so awfully that the thought of recovery never passed his mind.

he just needed someone,


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