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"Big crowd today huh," Ella said as she walked over to me. I nodded and put my water bottle down. "Did you guys see that the Avengers are here?" Mia asked as she walked over to us with her helmet and a bat. "Yeah, I did." Rachel said as Mia walked out. 

"Do you know why they are here?" Luna asked. I didn't answer her. I grabbed my helmet and my bat. Emily walked out of the dugout. I put my helmet on and stood by the door. Mia got hit with the ball making her walk to first and one of our people walk to the home base. 

I walked out of the dugout and stood in the practice circle. Emily walked to the plate. "Go Emily!" her family yelled. I smiled at her and looked at the pitcher. She then started to pitch to our batter. 

She hit the ball the first time, but it got out of the bounds. "Ball!" the ump yelled. She was then hit by the ball hard on her right caf. She handed me her bat as she walked to the first base making one of our's walk to home base. 

I put her bat in the dugout before I walked up to the plate. "Go SKYLAR!" Darcy yelled. I smiled and got ready to hit. The pitcher threw the ball and it was going straight for my head. I ducked. "Ball." the ump said. "Time." the other coach said. I stepped out of the box. I walked over to the dugout and waited there. The coach on the other team walked over to the pitcher. 

They started to talk when two marks started to burn. I accepted them. "Batter up!" the ump yelled once their coach walked off the field. I walked to the box and got ready. 

The ball then was thrown at me again. I ducked as it was curving to my head. I stood back up. "Come on." Their coach said. The pitcher nodded as she caught the ball again. I got ready and she pitched it. The right way this time.

I hit it and started to run. I dropped the bat by the door to the dugout as I kept on running. First....then...second......then third. I got to home base right as the pitcher caught the ball. 

I grabbed my bat from the ground before I walked back into the dugout. "Good job, Doe." Coach said. I put my bat away before I took my helmet off and put it away. I grabbed my glove and waited for the coach to tell me where to go. "Alright, Doe. Go to third base. Everyone else go to their normal spots. If your normal spot is third base then go to the middle outfield." The coach said. 

~Small time skip~

"Alright, you all know what to do. We are losing by two. Now let's do this. Skylar, you pitch." Coach said. I nodded and grabbed my glove. I then walked out of the dugout. "Go, Skylar!" Darcy yelled when I got there. I smiled at her before I caught the softball from Rachel. "Batter up!" The Ump yelled. 

The first batter walked into the boxes. I got two people out and one person is on first base. That's when another batter got up to plate. She got two strikes and she gave me a mad look as I caught the ball. 

I then pitched her it one last time. "Strike Three!" the Ump yelled. I smiled as my team walked up to me. "Good job, Skylar," Gavin said. I smiled and turned to my team. 

"Skylar watch out!" Ella yelled, but it was too late. When I did the last batter that I stuck out was there. She whacked the bat on my right leg the moment that I turned to face her. I screamed in pain as I fell to the ground. I grabbed my leg and everything seemed to go in slow motion. 

I hit the ground and grabbed my leg. "Skylar!" My mates and Darcy yelled. Tears started to run down my face. The pain is unbearable. My coach ran over to me along with my mates. "You, you are banned for the rest of the season." The ump said. 

"Hold on Skylar, the ambiance is on its way," Ella said. I looked at her to see that she was still on her phone. I felt someone move me up some before laying me back down. I looked back up to see Don E there. He is sitting on his legs and my head is in his lap. That's when I saw some kneel by my hurt leg. I looked to see it was a new mate. "Skylar, that's another one of your mates. He's a doctor." Edward said. I nodded. "Can you let go of your leg?" He asked. 

I was scared too, but let go. He carefully started to touch my leg. I took in a sharp intake of breath in pain. "Careful," Blaine said as sirens started to get closer to us. I took a deep breath. The sirens stopped and people started to run to me. "Move out of the way." someone said. Don E stayed as everyone else moved out of the way. I was put on a stretcher before I was carried away. 

"Take deep breaths for me. Can you tell me what happened?" a lady asked. "One of the people on the other team that I stuck out got mad and hit me with a metal baseball bat," I said as she put an ice pack on the part that hurts. 

"Alright, hold on hun. We are almost there." the lady said. I nodded and wiped my tears. I took a deep breath. The ambulance stopped and I was carried out. "Alright, we called your foster moms and they are on their way." the doctor said. I nodded as I was brought to the x-ray room. 

I was picked up off of the stretcher before I was put on the x-ray table. 

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