Chapter 7- New Troubles

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~Louis' POV~

I woke up and went to grab a water from the fridge. I heard Harry getting up. "Louis?" He asked. "What babe?" I said. "Can you help me get up. I'm in too much pain to get up." He said. "OK babe, be right there." I said putting down my water bottle and running to our bedroom. I grabbed Harry's hand and helped him up. He smiled at me. I smiled and kissed him on his forehead. "I love you Harry." I said. "I love you too." He said. I rubbed his stomach. I quite and he went to sit down on the couch. Someone was knocking on the door. It was Zayn, Niall, and Liam. "Hey guys." I said letting them in. "Hey." They all said at once.

They all looked at Harry. "Harry, you OK?" Liam asked. Harry looked at me. "Tell them Louis." He said to me. Liam looked at me. "Tell us what?" Liam asked. "Well..... Harry looked sick cause he's pregnant." I said. Liam mouth dropped. "How?" Zayn asked. "He has female parts in him to where he could have kids." I told him. Liam looked at Harry. He finally sat next to him after two minutes. "Harry, congrats." Liam said. "Thank you." Harry said. I sat on the other said of Harry. He looked weak. "Babe, you OK? You look weak." I asked. "I'm fine." He said. A tear came down my face.

Harry whipped it away. "Don't worry Louis, everything will be fine." He said. I nodded and looked at Zayn and Niall. "Liam, we have to go." Zayn said. Liam nodded and all three of them left. I held Harry's hand. He squezzed it really hard. "Babe, breathe." I said. "OK." Harry said trying to breathe. "Cmon, I'm taking you to the hospital." I said helping him to the car. I drove us to the hospital and I signed Harry in. The doctor saw him and we walked to the hospital bed. Harry laid down and I held his hand. The doctor did a ultrasound on him.

"Oh no." He said. "What is it doctor?" I asked. "This isn't good. You're baby is growing by the minute. Its crushing you from the inside, out. Harry, your heart will give out when you deliver." The doctor said. Harry's hand started to shack. We looked at him. Tears came down his face. I whipped them away. "Harry, when our baby gets here. Promise me you'll try to stay. I can't lose you." I said. "Some how, your baby must be half human, half vampire. Louis, please tell me you didn't try to hurt Harry." He asked me. I looked at him. "No, I didn't try to hurt Harry. I know I'm a vampire. I'm not normal. I don't want Harry to die." I said. "Louis, is that true? You were trying to hurt me." Harry asked.

"No babe, I would never do that." I said. Harry squezzed my hand. Fuck, Harry is gonna die and I'll be alone. People know that I'm not normal. "Please don't die babe." I said again. "I'll try not to Louis." He said. "Wanna know the sex of your baby before you go?" The doctor asked. "Yes." Harry said. "Well, its a girl." He said. I smiled. "We're free then?" I asked. The doctor nodded and me and Harry went home. He sat softly on the couch. I went to the fridge and grabbed some blood bags I had in the very back. I poured the blood into the cup. I gave it to him.

He began to drink. "How does it taste?" I asked. "It taste... good." He said. I felt his pulse. "Babe, your pulse is getting stronger." I said. Harry smiled and drank more. Liam, Niall, and Zayn came busting though our front door. Liam came up to me and grabbed me by my shirt. He had me held up in the air. "OK Tomlinson, what did you do to Harry!!??" Liam asked. Fuck, I'm dead. "I didn't do anything." I said. Zayn and Niall ran to Harry and sat next to him. They were making sure he was alright. "You didn't do anything. We went to the hospital and checked with Harry's doctor. He said that the baby was crushing him from inside and out. This is all your fault. Harry is gonna die now." He said.

"Liam." Harry said. Liam looked at him. "I might not die. I might live. Just hope for now." Harry said. Harry made a fist. More stomach pains. Liam put me down. "Babe, you OK?" I asked. "Yeah, I'm fine. Just a few weeks when this is all over, I guess." Harry said. I had a worried look on my face. If Harry dies, Liam is gonna kill me anyway he can. Him and Harry are best buds. I can't let this happen. I sat next to Harry. "Harry, don't worry. I'll always be right here beside you. I'll never leave you. I know I left once cause I got mad, but that will never happen again. I promise." I said kissing his soft forehead. "Why can't I be OK with life?" He mumbled to himself. None of us heard him.

The other boys left and Harry looked at me. "OK, let's just say we're married." I said without thinking. Harry nodded. "Babe, you need some sleep." I said as he closed his eyes. I put a blanket over him. He so cute when he sleeps. I went outside and sat on the porch. It was frezzing cold outside, but I didn't care. All I cared about right now is Harry and our little baby girl.


A/N OK guys, find out what happens next. Hope you guys like the book so far. Comment/fan/vote. I would really like that so much. ♪♪♪ Pikachu!

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