🥀 Withered Rose 🥀

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(Just letting you know there are a lot of timeskips! Also this is most definitely a filler chapter!)
Third Person's P.O.V
As Zenitsu quickly took in another breath preparing for his next attack, the demon that him and Nezuko were fighting grabbing Zenitsu by the head and through him into a building. As Zenitsu's body fell lifeless off the wall and onto the ground. As he looked up to see Nezuko standing in a fighting position. He wanted to help her but his body was too sore and mangled and all the blood pouring from his head didn't help either. Just as Nezuko went in for another attack with her blood demon art, the demon suddenly started talking, some what catching her off guard.

"Not so fast little girl." The demon hissed before grabbing Nezuko's head just like he did with Zenitsu, but instead of throwing her he started to twist her head around while pulling at the same time. "GRRR! ARRRR!" Nezuko yelled before suddenly going quite.

Zenitsu's P.O.V
'I-I can't move!' I thought to myself as I slid down off the wall I had just been thrown into to. As I hit the floor I could immediately tell I had some broken ribs and head was bleeding way too much! My head was throbbing and my vision was blurry and the blood didn't help.

But as I laid on the ground I slowly looked up greeting my teeth through the pain, only to see Nezuko standing in a fighting position. 'I.. I need to help her!' I screamed in my mind but when I went to move, my body wouldn't let me. As if telling me to stay down.

Out of the corner of my eye I could see my sword laying next to me, as I reached for my sword I heard the demon talking. "Not so fast little girl." My eyes quickly shot over back to Nezuko only to see the demon grabbing her head just like he did with me, but then he started twisting. 'HE'S GONNA RIP OFF HER HEAD!' I screamed to myself as I force my body to sit up and get into a crouching position.

"GRRR! ..ARRRR!" She screamed before going quiet..

My eyes widened
My breathing quickened
My mind went blank..

"YOU FILTHY PIECE OF SHIT! GET AWAY FROM HER!!" I yelled as rage took over and all pain I once felt disappeared and replace with adrenaline.

I quickly took a deep breath in preparing. 'I only have one shot!' I thought to myself as the demon said "oh your still alive. Welp, not for long." The demon said as he let Nezuko's body fall to the ground as he held her head by her hair as in holding a trophy.

"Breath of thunder. First form, Thunder clap!" I say as I let my breath out, picked up my sword and took off moments later.

As I zoomed through the air, the lighting behind me just bearly catching up and with my sword in my hands, I only had one goal in mind. "YOU SHELL PAY!" I yelled as I started to close in. He quickly dropped Nezuko's head as I got closer.

He went to attack me but it was too late for him, I cut off his head in one fell swop before falling to the ground behind the demon.

"ARRR!" I yelled as my legs were crippled and useless at this point. All the pain I had felt before slowing coming back, but I couldn't worry about that. "NEZUKO!" I yelled turning my body around and pulling my self over to where Nezuko's head laid. "NEZUKO!" I yelled once again as tears seemed to fall. "ITS OK! ILL PUT YOU BACK TOGETHER!" I yelled as I cried at the same time. I slowly swept the hair off her face as her eyes remained closed. "It's ok.. it's ok! She's alive! SHES NOT DEAD!" I said trying to convince myself as my hands start to shake uncontrollably.

"Demons can regenerate! I'll just put her head with her body and she'll be as good as new!" I say trying to convince myself once again as I gently pick her head up while blood pours from her severed neck.

Third Person's P.O.V
Once Zenitsu finally finished dragging his body over to Nezuko he gently places her head where it should be hoping she would magically regenerate, but she didn't.

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