Chapter 3

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After a moment David let go of Max and Max stared up at him with glassy eyes. "S-Sorry-" He muttered.
"What are you sorry for Max..? You did nothing wrong." David put his hand on Max's shoulder.
Max flinched at David's touch, he turned his head away from David and sniffled.
"I'm just- sorry." He lifted his hand and wiped his teary eyes, not looking up at David.
David smiled. "It's alright Max." He reassured.
David was about to pull his hand back, but Max hugged David's arm.
"J-just- don't go like they did-" Max muttered, holding onto his arm. David felt his shoulders drop.
"I won't. I promise." David smiled, Max let go of his arm and curled back up on the bed.
"D-Don't tell anyone about this-" Max mumbled, curling up tighter in his hoodie.
David nodded slightly down at the small boy. "Alright Max.." He sighed walking back over to Gwen and sitting down next to her.
"You two have gotten closer-" Gwen smiled slightly. David's smile brightened.
"Guess so."

After a day Max wasn't in a stable state to be discharged, he hadn't been able to eat food so the Doctors refused to let him leave due to that.

Max was curled up in the hospital bed looking across the room in silence.
"I'm still calling bullshit on this place." He scowled.
Gwen sighed and looked over at David, who was looking for something. "What'd you-"
"Ah hah!" David smiled finding his phone on a small table next to the two seats Gwen and himself were sitting in. Gwen paused and watched David.
David walked over to Max and handed him his phone. "You can do whatever it is you were doing on it for a while." David smiled.
Max looked up at him and narrowed his eyes.
"You still trust me..?" Max remembered what had happened the last few times he had used it- but luckily the FBI only showed up twice.
"Well- I'm hoping you won't cause any trouble- also- please don't." David replied- remembering how often he had to check and clear his search history.

Max spent a few hours on David's phone, it was kind of scary- last time Max had David's phone and something significant happened- he managed to make a girl fall for him- it it wasn't exactly him. David was kind of shocked- mainly because Max could somehow sound sauve enough to make someone come to Camp Campbell.
David let out a sigh and looked over at Gwen. She was asleep with her head leaning against the wall. David smiled slightly and looked back over at Max.

"Hey- David- why the fuck do you have like- 20 missed calls?" Max asked, rolling over to face him.
"Hmm- Oh! Well, I'm not sure. It may be new campers parents-"
"I don't think thst shithole is getting many new campers- or any." Max replied matter-of-factly, cutting David off.
"It's an unknown number. Which means- you don't have the number saved in your contacts so its hard to believe you know who it is- and for fucks sake- you keep getting messages from some bitch who's talking about 'Her Lil darling' or some bullshit-" Max opened the messages and began messaging her, using proper grammar and everything- like David would.
"Oh! That's Nikki's Mom- Candy! She had some questions about the times-" Max cut David off again.
"Okay I get it- I sent her the times for drop off or whatever shit she wanted." Max scowled and he began going through David's search history-.
"You actually do smile excercises..?" Max began laughing but stopped a few seconds later, wrapping his arm around his chest. "Jesus Christ--" Max muttered.
"Max...? Are you okay...?" David asked, his tone changing from chipper to worried.
"Im fine-" He hissed through gritted teeth.
"You don't seem fine." David replied walking over to Max.
"Gah- I'm fine- just- chest pain-" He growled, removing his arm from his chest and trying to make himself look less weak.

"Max-" David sighed. "If something is wrong, please tell me or Gwen, we can help." David walked back over to his seat but just as he turned around Max grabbed the back of his shirt.
David turned around and looked down at Max- who was visibly upset again.

"D-don't say t-that-" He stammered under his breath.
"Say what...?" David questioned his voice softening.
"D-don't w-waste your time-" He let go of David's shirt and wiped his glassy eyes.
"What do you mean..?" David asked again- he didn't know what Max meant.

"Y-You can't help-"

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