Chapter 21

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Two more days had passed and Max was getting sick and tired of this hospital bullshit.

He sat up in his hospital bed with his arms crossed and a quite pissed off expression.

"Hey Max I know you wanna leave-"

"See that window?" Max interrupted Gwen pointing over to it with a frown.

"Max stop it! You need to stay here for your own safety!" David replied with a frown not nearly as angry as Max's was.

"Why can't he jump out a window?" Nikki enquired, kicking her legs around as she sat in the chair.

"Because there's a high chance he'll die from this height, Nikki." Neil frowned seeming disappointed in her lack of general knowledge.

"Ohhh! Right! I forgot! Sorry-" Nikki snickered happily.

"Just let me get out of this shithole! Pleaasseee!" Max groaned.

"Max seriously- We can't just-"

"I'm eating- I'm all good with walking and I don't give a flying fuck about the stitches." Max interrupted her again. It was becoming an on going situation at this point.

"OoO! We could dress you up like Neil and throw him out the window so we can sneak you out! Oh Oh! Or David! But I feel like all of their bones are too fragile- OH WAIT! How about me?" Nikki asked, hopping to her feet with excitement.

"W-Wha! Nikki don't support his idea! It isn't-"

"Well, if I can't leave then the campers are just going to be forced back into Cameron's stupid child labour scheme. You know how bad he is with the bunch you left behind? Gee- I'm surprised he lasted this long. Oh and he didn't message you today. So, I'm assuming he bailed." Max lied, holding Campbell's phone up for David to take. Max simply deleted any messages Cameron had sent today.

"Mr Campbell would nev-"

"Hah. You sure..? He tried to frame you for all the crimes he committed- and you really still have faith in that asshole?" Max questioned quite coldly, interrupting David's whole kindness and respect bullshit.

"Well- I think he deserves a secon- erm-.. Third.. No- Fourth..? Fourth chance!" David exclaimed with a slightly uncertain smile.

"But what if he's having fun without youuu?" Max asked, still attempting to force David back to Camp so escaping would be easier.

"Max cut it out-" Gwen heckled.

"Mm- Gwen you stay here! I'll go check in on Camp!" David chirped happily.

"But David-"

"Nope! No excuses! Cameron deserves a break!" David interrupted Gwen and she was obviously pissed off about it.

David turned for the door and opened it, walking out blissfully.

"You're a shit." Gwen scowled, as she furrowed her brows.

"Erm- Nikki I don't think you can copy Max's skin tone." Neil frowned, Nikki had already began messing with her hair trying to get it as fluffy as Max's.

"How's that?" Nikki asked, completely ignoring his comment on the skin tone.

"Nobody's gonna fall for that-" Gwen frowned, giving Nikki a disappointed frown.

"Yeah honestly this plan's k-kinda well- fucking dumb." Neil frowned.

"Shut the fuck up Neil-" Max chirped, hopping down from the bed. He had gotten a bit better with his limping so it wasn't too obvious anymore, but it still hurt like a bitch.

"Max. David's not gonna be happy-" Gwen was interrupted for the thousandth time in the past hour.

"David can eat shit." Max huffed, walking over towards Nikki.
"You don't need to look like me- just give me your clothes. And your hair ties."
Max was determined to get out. David was their main obstacle but now he was out of the way, manipulating Gwen was easy.

"Ohhh! Does that mean I get your hoodie and jeans? Oh-ho-ho!" Nikki grinned rubbing her hands together with joy.

"Yeah this is fucking stupid." Max admitted, seeming to change his mind at the thought of Nikki in his clothes.

"D'awww come on Maxxxx! It could've worked! Put your hair into pigtails the-"

"No." Max interrupted sternly.

"Yeah, knew you would back out." Neil smirked proudly.

"Shut the fuck up- Also Nikki can you summon a large bird or something..?" Max recommended.

"Mmm- Yeah but they don't like these areas too much. I could run and find one though! Wait- wait- How about a swarm of bees?" Nikki's eyes brightened at the thought of swarming the place with bees.

"And how would you get back to Camp?" Gwen questioned, standing up and planting her hands on her hips.

"I didn't steal David's wallet for nothing." Max blurted with a malicious smirk.

"Can you three stop being li-" Just before Gwen could finish her sentence the three suddenly just bolted out the door.


Cameron was laying on the floor of the Counselors cabin. He had given up. David wasn't replying to his messages and none of the kids were listening to him. They were all just doing whatever they wanted. He couldn't do shit about it  mainly because he didn't know how.

Max, Neil and Nikki were running through the hospital. The hospital had a horrible bleach smell along with the smell of some sort of metal and more cleaning shit. The three ran around a corner. Max was struggling mainly because well- he got stabbed. A few too many times.

They screeched to a halt when they were met by an elevator. Nikki grinned brightly.
"OoO! It's the box with the buttons and stuff! Can I press all of them this time?"

"N-No! I-It's bad enough that we're trying to escape." Neil mumbled anxiously, fidgeting with his fingers.

"Can the elevator be any fucking slower?!" Max yelled getting pissed off at the delay. He had pressed the button a few times and was waiting, having to continuously look behind him for Gwen.

"Well, if you want a sta-"

"Shut up Neil."

Gwen followed the kids around the corners- but she was puffed. She inhaled and took a moment to breathe before continuing to run, apologizing to everyone she ran past.

Max groaned, glancing over his shoulder. Gwen now stood at the end of the hallway.
"Hurry up- Hurry upppp!!" Max groaned impatiently.
In response Nikki began aggressively prodding the metal button.

"You little shits-" Gwen huffed.

She was getting closer to the three of them. She tried to slow down a bit since she was using way to much energy and she was a tired person.

Neil glanced between Gwen and the elevator door.

The Elevator finally stopped. And the metal doors slid open. The three grinned as they rushed in, ignoring the people who were already in there or making their way out.

Gwen sped up, the doors were closing. She wouldn't make it- her legs were aching and she was just exhausted which didn't help her at all.

"Move bitch!" Gwen yelled shoving past an old lady exiting the elevator.

She pushed her way into the elevator and ended up forcing a few extra people out in the process.

"Aww shit- didn't think Gwen was heartless enough to push an old cow over." Max huffed crossing his arms, giving Gwen a disappointed frown.

"Yeah honestly I-I'm even surprised." Neil chimed in, seeming totally calm about their situation.

"Mhmm! What do you think came over her?" Nikki enquired, pressing her index finger to her chin as she thought.

"Okay- Okay! Shut up-" Gwen sighed pinching the brim of her nose.
"We can go if it'll make you shut the fuck up."

"That was easy."

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