Chapter 24

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They were all in a new car, new driver new everything. Max was sitting leant back in his seat, staring out the window past Neil's head. His eyes weren't even focussing on anything. He was just phasing out. He couldn't stop the memories as they continued taking over his train of thought.

"D-Dad! S-stop it! Please!" Max screamed as his father cracked his belt angrily. His eyes were glowing with pure anger and hatred. Max was on the floor with tears running down his face. His Dad was merciless, especially when he had access to... Those.

Max huffed, snapping out of that train of thought, however as soon as he did a new train took its place.

Max stood outside of the house, slamming his balled fists against the door furiously. He was only 6 years old and he was locked outside for misbehaving. The thick snow around him causing him to shiver uncontrollably. His nose was numb from the cold breeze causing it to turn slightly pink. He continued to hit the door, his hands burning in pain.
"Dad! P-Please! I'm sorry! Daddy! I-I love you p-please!" He begged tearfully.

Max shook his head and grumbled under his breath, trying to calm his nerves down. He was safe now.  Right..?

His back slammed against the wall and his eyes clenched shut as his father stormed into the living room where his Mother laid unconscious.
"N-No! L-Leave h-her alone! S-Stop!" Max pleaded as his Dad slapped her. His father clenched his hand into a fist and punched her. She grunted in pain.
"S-Stop!" Max yelled out, tears streaming down his face.

That bastard. Max's brow furrowed and he tensed. Even though they were in a completely different vehicle with a completely different driver, Max's mind kept whirring with memories. Most of them were forgotten for good reason.. Other's he didn't mind remembering.

His Dad sat on the lounge with his Mother under his arm. They were laughing at something on the television. Max was sitting on the floor drawing on a piece of paper.

"When's that date we were talking about..?" His Mother asked, she sounded different.. But Max didn't seem to notice. The two began talking and Max wasn't paying too much attention. He was too busy drawing the three of them.

Max huffed, seeming to loosen slightly but almost as soon as he had he remembered the rest of it..

He got up and gave his Dad a hug, ignoring the lady next to him. He rushed out to the kitchen and smiled up at his Mom. She had tears streaming down her face.

"Hey Max- that hurts." Nikki frowned, Max had grabbed her arm and was now squeezing it.

Max snapped out of his train of thought, looking down at Nikki's arm. He let go but didn't apologize.

"Max what's going on with you..?" Neil asked curiously.

"Well I got fucking stabbed that's a start." Max huffed.

"N-No I mean- Before all of this. W-Why'd you come to camp covered in bandages?" Neil asked.

"None of your business."

"D-Dad- why d-don't you love Mommy..? S-She m-might be ugly and all- but she's nice!" Max sputtered awkwardly to his Dad, fidgetting with his hands.

"That's none of your business."

Max growled under his breath and shook his head.

"W-What's wrong? Seriously- a-are you okay..?" Neil asked in a worried tone

"I'm fine! Stop pestering me!"

"A-Are you s-still angry at h-her for doing something..?" Max asked curiously.

"No. Just- stop pestering me."

"No you're not! Stop- stop lying to us! W-we're sick of it!" Neil frowned, his worry turning into frustration.

"I said stop pestering me."

"M-Maybe she can make it right!" Max recommended innocently.

"I said stop pestering me."

"No! I'm not going to stop until you explain yourself! I don't get it! You show up to camp early, covered in bandages. You leave our tent in the middle of the night, you're suddenly slightly nicer to David then you block everyone out for way too long- get a dog. Become nicer-, then what? You get stabbed! You get stabbed by Daniel. So apparently getting stabbed is the only way to get you to actually forgive someone? Because geez- I wish that were the case because I would've stabbed you way earlier! Everything's Neil's fault! Don't worry about the risks Neil!" Neil began ranting, raising his voice.

"Neil. I said stop. I mean it." Max scowled, tensing visibly.

"N-No! I-I'm not going to stop u-until you explain yourself! M-Mom's r-really nice, k-kind, l-loving and super duper c-cool Mom! Y-You hear? S-So I don't u-understand why y-you bring all these other girls over- and i-ignore Mom like you d-do! I-It's not cool! S-She doesn't deserve t-that! P-Please give her a second c-chance for whatever she did! P-Please Dad." Max squeaked, trying to sound angry.

"Max. I said stop. I mean it."

"I'm. Not. Going. To. Stop! I want answers! No- I need answers! One of my best friends comes to Camp covered in bandages. And then gets stabbed! I'd like an explanation! Because all I got from Nikki was that Daniel was involved." Neil replied, continuing to push him. He wanted answers desperately, he was worried about his friend but now he was mainly frustrated with his stubbornness.

"I said stop it." Max didn't have a flashback for a moment. His eye twitched and he tensed, trying not to loose his cool.

"Max! Pleasee! I need answers! Stop being a stubborn asshole and just tell me!" Neil pleaded desperately.

"I said. Stop."

"I-I'm. Not. Going. To. S-Stop! I-I want answers! N-No I need answers! M-My Mom h-has been crying almost every night b-because y-you don't care about her! D-Do you know h-how much you're hurting her? B-Because I-I w-wish you did!" Max retorted, standing his ground.

His Father pushed back on the recliner, standing up and looming over his son. He shoved Max to the floor before screaming,


Max flinched before balling his hand into a fist, punching Neil in the nose.

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