Chapter 16

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Max was sitting in his tent again, Lucky was curled up neatly next to him sound asleep. It was around 12 PM and Max had come back from his walk a few hours ago. After his run in with David he ended up turning the opposite way and continuing to wander around. He came back to his tent at around 9 PM. He couldn't go to sleep. He had a strange feeling, like someone was watching him.

Max flinched looking over his shoulder as his pupils pinned.
"Calm down, nobody's here.."
Max attempted to reassure himself but he couldn't shake the feeling no matter how hard he tried. Max frowned and slapped himself, causing Lucky to stir.

Max looked down at Lucky and blinked a few times before sighing.

"Sorry.." He mumbled gently patting her head. Just as he finally managed to calm himself down he heard something behind him. He flinched glancing over his shoulder swiftly as his anxiety spiked.

He saw a figure in the tent entrance and Lucky immediately ran over to them- barking happily.. But Lucky did that to everyone. She was a very gregarious dog.

"Well hello there Max!" A chipper voice called. Except it wasn't David.

"Oh for fucks sake how haven't you died yet!" Max groaned not even slightly frightened by his appearance.

"Oh you don't get it.. Do you? Zemüg's power has bec-"

"I'm gonna stop you right there. I don't fucking care." Max cut Daniel off with a huff, seeming a bit too dismissive over the fact a cultist just broke into his tent.

"Ohhh- You don't care about my plans? Alrighty them- Just don't fight back and this'll be all over.."

"Lemme guess you gave up on the original plan to fake your identity as David so you can torture him by torturing me- and now you want me to help you? Or you're gonna kidna-"

Just as Max went to finish his sentence Daniel threw his curved blade at Max. His precision was stupidly accurate as it struck his shoulder region, almost exactly where he was stabbed before.

"W-What the fuck?!" Max yelled, wincing as he clutched his arm. Lucky was standing by the tent entrance, before dashing out. It was hard to tell whether she was running to get help, running away, exploring- or well doing dog stuff.

"Well- You see.. Obviously making you go insane over television then murdering you wasn't the right approach.. So I thought- Maybe just maybe. I should torture you, kill you then leave you on David's bed! It's much easier and a bit more scarring for poor David!" Daniel smiled, walking over towards Max and forcing him down onto the bed.

"Now stay veryy- still-" Daniel mumbled a small smile sliding across his lips as he drew what appeared to be a blade from behind him.

Max froze as deja vu struck him harshly. His dream. He shook his head and pushed himself up, disobeying every order Daniel gave him.
He needed to get out. Now.

Lucky began wandering around the Camp. Being a dog was fun, since it meant she had no clue what was happening to her owner. She sniffed around a few tents curiously, her head lifting as her ears perked up.
She bounded across the forest floor and towards the large wooden building she saw ahead.

She heard bickering inside, but what got her attention was the smell. Food.

Max writhed against Daniel's grip as he ripped the blade from Max's arm. Daniel had managed to cover Max's mouth now with duct tape so this would be a whole lot easier.

Max clenched his eyes shut as he felt the blade slice across his neck.  When Daniel said torture Max wasn't expecting this.

"Zemüg requires your blood as a sacrifice. David's tears as a treasure and the pain of all as a gift." Daniel chuckled to himself before slicing his neck a few times. It wasn't too deep, just enough to draw blood.

Max gritted his teeth and attempted to kick at Daniel but his attempts were useless.

Daniel paused for a moment, a smiling sliding across his face as he lifted the blade up using two hands before plunging it downwards into Max's stomach- but just before he did so he stopped himself.

"Hmm.. Don't think you've been tortured enough." Daniel frowned, he didn't feel content with the damage done. He wanted David to feel like absolute garbage, and the easiest way for that to happen was through Max.

Lucky stood outside of the wooden large building. Her tail was wagging with excitement as she began pawing at the door. She could smell food and she so desperately wanted it. Max did feed her, yes. But she was a very hungry dog.

It was dark out, and the only reason there was a smell of food was because David wanted a snack. He was sitting at one of the tables with a small plate of left over mash potatoes. He was only eating a small portion since he didn't want to mess up his routine too much and because he forgot to have dinner at dinner.

After a minute or two Lucky got impatient and began barking, continuing to stand there playfully prodding the door with her paws.

Gwen frowned as she pulled her pillow over her head.
"I fucking swear to god Nikki.." She got out of bed and put on her slippers. She peeked out of the counselors cabin and made her way around to the main campsite.

"Nikk-" Gwen cut herself off as a familiar white and brown puppy came bounding over to her, jumping up and down with excitement.


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