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10th May 1976

Severus Snape sat on the couch in the common room. He couldn't stop thinking about Lily. He remembered times when he was the only one she wanted to spend time. But now? She hung around with her roommates more and more. She started going to parties. He hated that. He hated that he had to share her. He liked her being his and only his.

His best, his only friend.

"You're okay, man?" Regulus sat next to him with his firm stupid smile. "The redhead dumbed you, your something?"

"Shut up, Black." Dark-haired guy groaned. "Don't you have something better to do than pissing me off?"

"Nope." He smirked and ate a chip. "So? What's wrong?"

"Nothing pissed off." Snape rolled his eyes at him. He didn't want to talk about Lily. If he just knew that she was just standing in front of door right now. She put on the prettiest dress she owned. It was baby blue with small red flowers all over it and it perfectly fitted all her curves. She straightened the material and entered the common room. "Evans is just... I'm just so fucking tired of her."

"Classy." He heard the girl's voice behind him. "Really classy, Severus."

"Hi, Red." Young Black waved to her, clearly enjoying this situation.

"Crap." Snape stood up and looked at the girl. The girl he loved. "Lily, I..."

"Save it." She snapped and stormed out of the room with anger. She wasn't sad, she was just furious. She loved him, she really did. She knew that she will forgive him what he said, as she forgives him everything he ever did. But now? Now she was hurt, really fucking hurt and she wanted to hurt him too.

When she came back to her common room and saw the boy in glasses she knew exactly what she wanted to do.

"So." She sat next to James. "Where are we going?"

"What?" He asked confused.

"You asked me out, didn't you?" Lily raised her eyebrow. "Offer is still actual?"

"Actual, actual, Evans." Potter suddenly opened his eyes wildly and smiled brightly. He grabbed girl's hand and pulled her towards the exit.

"Where are we going?" Redhead giggled as they left the common room.

"Ice creams." He answered back. "We're going for ice creams." James used the map to leave the castle and before Lily knew they were in the.

"I can not lie, Potter." She wrapped her hand around his arm. "I am impressed..."

"You coming around nicely." He smiled and pulled her towards the small flower shop. "How about lilies for Lily?"

"Come on..." She laughed. "You don't have to buy me anything."

"But I want to." He winked and turned to the expedient. "Miss! Give me the prettiest flowers for this lovely lady."

"Ten pounds..." The woman handed him a bucket with a smile.

"Thank you." Potter paid and smirked.

"Have a nice day." Redhead added and walked with a boy. "James, those are beautiful."

"Anything for you." He handed her flowers and leaned closer.

"James." She stopped him. "I... I think of you just as a friend, you know."

"I know." He smiled innocently. "Can't blame the boy for trying, though."

"Stop it..." Lily chuckled.

"Stop what, Evans?" He raised his eyebrow.

"Nothing." She punched his arm softly. "Come on. You promised me ice cream."

"Hey, Potter?" She asked him lazy.

"Yes?" He looked at her curiously.

"Do you want to go to movies?" Girl proposed.

"Movies?" James raised his eyebrow.

"Oh, right. You're a pureblood..." Her cheeks got a bit red, she was always a bit selfconscious about her family background. "It's like..."

"I know what movies are." He stopped her.

"You do?"

"Sure." He moved closer. "When we were kids, Beth saw a poster of Sounds of music and she couldn't shut up about it. Dad took us to the muggle cinema then and... We just kept coming back." He smiled at the memory.

"Your dad seems to be a great man." Redhead relaxed a bit.

"Yeah, he's the best." The boy nodded and added with a genuine laugh. "He once bought the camera, you know? He recorded films with us. Beth always wanted to play a princess."

"Beth as a princess?" She giggled.

"Oh, crap. I promised not to tell anyone."

"So?" She subconsciously touched his hand. "You want to go?"

"Hell yeah." He smiled.


They came back to the castle the next day. Somehow they managed to get to the dormitory without any troubles.

"I had a great time." Lily smiled and she didn't even mind when the boy grabbed her hand. "James, I..."

"Mr Potter!" The voice of the transfiguration teacher stopped her.

"Shit." Dark-haired swore and turned around. "Professor, I can explain..."

"Where on earth had you been?" McGonagall asked but to their surprise, she didn't seem to be mad. "James, there is something I have to inform you about..."

The smile disappeared from his face in a second. He could feel something was wrong. Terribly wrong.


Okay, I know it was just nice to write about those two. James and Lily are simply the cutest, end of discussion.

The next chapter will take place at the same time as this one but will follow Beth (just so you know)

You can expect a new chapter tomorrow!

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