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Just so you know, this chapter is a bit darker than previous ones. It mostly about the war.


"What the fuck?" Elizabeth threw the newspaper in front of the professor.

"Miss Potter, please watch your language..." Minerva looked at the article in front of her and suddenly understood the anger in tiny brunette. She actually thought the same about the news but she tried to stay calm. "What's the issue?"

"You can not to this." She announced.

"I'm afraid it's not in my competence to..." The woman started sadly.

"Bullshit." The student stopped her.


"Why Dumbledore even allowed this to happen?" She cried out and added desperately. "We're students. Not soldiers."

"Joining the Order is not compulsory."

"You give children a choice." She snapped. "A choice to die."

"You must be seventeen to join the order." Minnie reminded her.

"But you don't have to finish school?" Beth replied harshly and grabbed the newspaper. "Ministry of magic came to understanding with Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry and announced that students are no longer required to finish their education in order to join Order of the Phoenix."

"As far as I know, you are taking part in this conflict before you either graduated or turned seventeen."

"I'm protecting against the conflict."

"It's still precipitation, Miss Potter." The teacher tried to convince the girl and herself that this new law was, in fact, a logical thing. "I'm sure you're not the only interest in this war."

"I'm interested just to stop it before others can be interested."

"Others or your brother?"

"Is it so weird I care about my family." She answered. "He's still a kid. He shouldn't risk his life.'

"I'm sure Mr Potter can make his own decisions." She said calmly. "James is older than you."

"Older doesn't mean smarter." She snapped and the teacher fell silent. She knew exactly what the girl meant. James Potter was a bright young man, but he was reckless and way too careless. His sister was more reasonable, more mature, more caring. She was younger but she was the one looking after their parents and him. War made her grew up faster. Even if older Potter thought she was still a little girl he needed to protect, the reality was quite the opposite.

She helped her mom when she felt sick, she was the one taking care of family issues and worrying sick about their dad and brother fighting in the war. She wanted best for her loved ones and she was doing what she did best she could to help them.

She never was talented in magic, like James, her only talent was talking and she was talking a lot recently. She was trying to talk her way out of the war, but it was not enough. She was hopeless. Absolutely hopeless.

"I'm sorry, miss Potter." Minnie smiled sadly.

"Me too." The girl answered and left the classroom. She wasn't only one worried about her big brother. Regulus decided to break his own rules after reading the news. He grabbed his brother's hand and pulled him into an empty classroom.

"What the fuck?" Older Black looked at his brother with confusion. "Something wrong?"

"You're not gonna join, are you?" He said nervously.


"You'll be seventeen in a few months." He explained. "You will join the order right fucking away, am I right?" 

"Regulus, I..." Sirius looked at him, not being sure if he should be happy that his little brother was worried about him or sad that he was talking to him only in the perspective of him risking his life. "I'll be fine."

"Just... Don't do anything stupid." Younger one rolled his eyes.

"Will you join?" He asked.

"The order?" Black laughed. "Come on, Siri."

"What about the other side?"

Regulus giggle suddenly stopped and his eyes went cold again. "It's not that easy."

"Nothing is anymore..." He agreed. "Don't do anything stupid, bother."

"Is that our new family greeting?"

"So, you won't be pretending to not know me again?" He smiled.

"It's not that easy." The boy looked at him desperately. "Take care, Sirius."

"You too." He looked at his brother leaving the room and swore quietly. "Fucking hell." He couldn't believe that was their first conversation in months. He quickly found his way to the astronomy tower in order to smoke the pack of cigarettes. The boy smiled sadly after realising he wasn't alone. "Potter?"

"Hi, Black." Beth mumbled. He brown eyes were looking somewhere in the air. The sadness was painted all over her face, but she still looked pretty. Her school outfit was perfectly fitted on her tiny, yet already woman like body. Her hair was forming into waves making her look almost childish, but he perfectly knew that her innocent was long lost with the war. She was so serious, so damaged, but still managed to look like an angel. "Crappie day, isn't it?"

"Yeah." He laughed shortly. "I finished the book."

"Did you like it?"

"Don't tell anyone, but I did." He said. "I really did."

"Okay." She smiled and push away from the metal railing playfully. Beth looked at him, he looked sad but still handsome. She just occasionally let herself notice his aristocratic appearance. Even if he tried to look punk rock, his pure-blood characteristics were obvious. His hair even with a long messy haircut and in his old leather jacket he looked more elegant than many men in their best suits. "Come on."

"What?" Black raised his eyebrow.

"I own you a beer, don't I?" She grabbed his hand and dragged him towards the entrance.

They both needed something easy, something uncomplicated and fate or accident decided to put them on their ways. Neither of them would admit that, but they were gland to have for once something easy in their lives.

Shut up || Sirius Black x OC || Harry Potter FanfictionNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ