Part 18

27 5 3

Jackson's P.O.V

Where could it have gone?....

Lavie is still not awake....But before she wakes up, I have to find it....

The whole gang is searching for it....

*Few minutes later* tired...

I fall on the couch. We still couldn't find it.....What will Lavie say when she wakes up?

What should I say to her?

#End of Jackson's P.O.V#

Evelyn's P.O.V

It's afternoon and nobody ate anything since this morning...Everybody looked Famished.

Eve: Hey guys...We still haven't eaten....Let's order lunch.

All: Okay...

Eve: Then I'll....Wait....Where is my phone?

I search in the hall but I couldn't find it.

Jk: Maybe it's in your room...

Eve: Mmm. Okay....I'll go and get it.

I go upstairs.... This house is so huge having a ground floor, the first floor with five rooms and a three more in the second floor.

I'm upstairs now.

The left side has two rooms and the right side has three. The rooms in the left are larger than the ones on the right. First one being Lavie's.

I walk past Lavie's room to mine which is the last one in the right side.

I go inside and check my luggage. I share this room with Annie.

Jk and V are in the center room. Lenny sis , Sammy sis and Janice are staying in one of the large rooms and Zayn bro, Atharvaa bro and Archie bro in one.

Jackson bro said that he has been sharing the room with Lavie.

Ugh....Where is this phone?

Ah...It's in the last pocket. Got it.

Checking my phone, I go outside the room...

I'm outside....Wait....

.......Why do I feel like someone is staring at me from my left?....

I turn to my left and see Lavie standing outside her room....

...Just staring at me....

What the?

Eve: Lavie?

Suddenly....I felt something touch my feet....

I look down and see a red toy car....

....But the weird thing was....

Lavie's locket was inside it.

I was shocked. I turned back to look at Lavie...

            ....She wasn't there....

Eve: Huh?

I turn to the red car....It wasn't there too.

Am I hallucinating?

I walk towards Lavie's room and peek inside....

But she is still not awake.

What is happening to me?

I shake my head and walk downstairs.

#End of Evelyn's P.O.V#

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