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Jennie's POV
Our class was done. It is time to go home. Since my street and Chanyeol's street was just near. Yugyeom went home with his bestfriend BamBam. Since we are just neighbors. "Uhhh.... Oppa..." I said cutely. "Hmmm?" Chanyeol said. "I'm hungry" I said as I giggle. "Okay...What do you want to eat?" Chanyeol asked. "I only want pizza" I said shyly. "Okay lets go" He said. We walked and walked until we reached a Pizza House. "What kind of pizza you want?" Chanyeol asked while looking at the menu. "I think we'll have the....Hawaiian one" I said as I rested my head at Chanyeol's shoulder. I saw my bestfriend's face getting red. Well I think he's blushing. We waited for the pizza to come. After a minute. Our order came and we eat the pizza we ordered.

Time skip

Chanyeol's POV
We were done eating. So we walked and walked until we get to split because our street is different but near. "Thanks for buying me a pizza Yeol!" Jennie said as she huged me. I was shocked by her sudden action. "Uhhh.....Mianhe" She said blushing. "It's okay. Anything for my Besfriend" I said. "See you tomorrow! Bye!" Jennie said. "Okay bye!" I said.

Time skip

Jennie's POV
I walked to our home. I saw my little brother looking trough the window. He was looking around until he saw me. I walked to our gate and walked to the door and I was surprised cus Yugyeom was running towards me and suddenly hugs me. "Hey Yugie? Whats wrong?" I said as I cares his hair. "I was really worried noona. It is already 6:30 but your not home yet" Yugyeom said cutely while still hugging me."I am worried because something might happen to you noona.....Me and omma will be so worried"Yugyeom added "Okay. I'm fine lets go inside now. Have you eaten your dinner?" I said like a mom. "Yes noona. You?" Yugyeom said while holding my hands while also getting inside the house. "Yes. Me and Chanyeol eat outside" I said as I walk inside. "Ohhhh okay" Yugyeom said. "Did you miss me?" A strange person said behind us. Yugyeom holds my hands tight becaus he was scared if it is a stranger or kidnapper. Both of us looked back. As we looked back we have a big smile in our face. "Dad!!!!!" Yugyeom said as he huged Daddy. "Daddy! Your here!" I said as I huged my dad. "Oh! honey your home" mom said smiling. "Daddy how was New Zealand?" I asked exitedly waiting for his response. "You'll know when we have our family meeting" Dad smiled at me and kissed my forehead. "Okay family meeting time!!!" Dad said.

Dad: Please don't be shock for what I am going to say okay.....
Me: Dad please just tell us
Yugyeom: *Eating like a child*
Dad & Mom: We have decided to move in New Zealand permanently for our easy future life plans
Me: *Jaw drops*
Yugyeom: *Drops his spoon*
Me: Wait! What?!!!!
Yugyeom: *Still not picking his spoon up*
Mom: We are going to move in New Zealand permanently
Yugyeom: *runs outside* BamBam!!!!!! TF lets talk!

Wait....What about Chanyeol. He's my bestfriend. I can't live without him. I better go talk to him. "Mom, I am just going to Chanyeol's house" I said. "Okay sweetie" Mom said. I walked towards Chanyeol's home. I rung the doorbell. Mrs. Park let's me in. "Hi sweetie!" Mrs. Park said. "Hi Mrs. Park. May I talk to Chanyeol" I said politely. "Okay. Come in!" Mrs. Park said and offered me in. "Jennie? Why are you here?" Chanyeol while going downstairs. "Can we talk? Privately?" I said. "Ok. Come. Let's come to my room" Chanyeol said as we walked upstairs. We entered his room and talked. "So what is it Jennie?" Chanyeol said smiling at me. "I know you will be sad if I say this" I said while taking a deep breathe. "We are going to New Zealand permanently" I said as a tears fell off my eyes. "What?!" Chanyeol said while. "Yeah I know. I can't do this" I said. "What about our friendship?" I said. "Calm down Jennie. It's okay we can video chat" Chanyeol said holding his tears. "That's a great idea!" I said fake smiling. "I should get going now. I will pack my things now" I said as we huged each other tightly. "Goodbye" Chanyeol said while whiping his tears off. "Bye" I said. "Goodbye Mr. and Mrs. Park!" I said and bowed at them. "Okay. Bye sweetie" Mrs. Park said. While Mr. Park waved at me.

Time skip

Jennie's POV
"hmmm....What time is it?" I said while half asleep. "Yugyeom?" I asked looking for Yugyeom. When I keep looking around I saw Yugyeom sucking his thumb while still asleep. "This kid. Oh! It's just 4:30 am" I said looking at the clock. "Noona?" Yugyeom whines. "Hmmm?" I asked looking at him. "What time is our flight?" Yugyeom asked half awake. "6:00 am" I said. "Ohhh...Okay" Yugyeom said. "I am just going to take a bath okay?" I said sweetly. "Your so cheesy. Well okay. Just wake me up if your done cus I am going to take a bath too" Yugyeom said as he sleeps again. "귀염둥이 아기" I said.

Time skip

Still Jennie's POV
"Yugie!!!!Wake up. Take a bath now" I said. I am already in my sweater and leggings atire. "Okay" Yugyeom said as he gets up and headed to the bathroom. I start to put Yugyeom's and my laugage in the living room. I am going to miss this house and ofcourse my bestfriend Chanyeol. Yugyeom is walking downstairs. He is wearing a black shirt and a pants. All of us starts to eat breakfast. "Should we go to your school to tell your teachers that we are going to move?" Dad asked. "Okay Dad. But can I go to Chanyeol's house?" I asked sadly. "Okay honey" Dad said. "Can I go to BamBam's too?" Yugyeom asked. "Okay" Mom said. "Bye Mom! Dad!" I said and run towards the door. I kept on walking until I reached Chanyeol's house. I rung the doorbell and saw Chanyeol. "Chan!" I said while showing my gummy smile. "Jennie your here" Chanyeol said while opening the gates. "So I am here to say goodbye for the last time" I said. "Oh! right today is your flight" Chanyeol said upset. "So this is a goodbye" Chanyeol added. "Yeah. Goodbye" I said. Both of us huged each other so tight. "Don't worry Chan. Me and Yugyeom will work here in the future" I said. "So that means we can still see each other?" Chanyeol asked. "Yep!" I said. "So....Bye!" I added. "Ok bye! have a safe travel" Chanyeol said.

Time skip

From Bestfriends, To Lovers || Jennie and Chanyeol || JenYeolWhere stories live. Discover now