2. Basically Cupid

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Chapter 2: Basically Cupid

"Morning." I yawned at Jo as she stepped out of the guest room in her pajamas and her hair in a messy bun.

"Morning." She whispered back.

"What do you want for breakfast?" I asked her as I went towards the fridge. "You can have fruit, frozen waffles.....hmmmm." I closed the fridge door before heading over to the pantry. "Or.. cereal. There's Cheerios, Coco puffs and Cinnamon Toast Crunch." I told her as I spun around to face her.

"I'll just take some Cinnamon Toast Crunch." She said. "Do you have coffee?" She asked me.

"Of course!" I sang as I waved around the freshly brewed pot of coffee.

"Sweet!" She cheered.

"How do you want it?" I asked her I pulled out a cute penguin mug out of the cabinets. "Or do you want to make it your self?" I asked, realizing she probably knew how she exactly liked it.

"I can make it." She smiled before I left her with the stuff to make her coffee and heading to go get the cereal.

"MIlk or no milk?" I asked her as I placed the box of cereal down.

"Milk, please." She said politely.

"Got it." I said back to her. I quickly grabbed the milk from the fridge and placed it down next to the cereal. I then proceeded to grab a decent sized bowl out of the cabinet and then poured her cereal in first before the milk. After that I grabbed a spoon out of one of the drawer and then stuck it into the cereal. "Here you go." I gave her a small smile and then slid it down to her.

"Thank you." She chirped. We took our breakfast to the glass table that overlooked the city to eat our breakfast. I was having frozen waffles and coffee with sugar and cream. Once we sat down we started to dig into our food. Jo looked down and then gasped, "It's so pretty here!"

"Yeah, it's been like that for quite a while now." I told her. "I think ever since end of November..?" I guessed.

"We haven't got any snow yet back in South Carolina, but it's been pretty cold." She said as she took another bite of her food.

"How's everyone back there?" I asked her before I finished my first waffle.

"Good." She responded, short and sweet. "I mean, your parents are doing fine, I saw them the other day. My parents are doing okay and my brother just got married last month and moved out of the house." She said, elaborating on the previous sentence.

"Oh, yeah. You told me about that. What's her name again?"

"Milly Adams." Jo replied. She took another quick glance down at the city.

"You mean Milly as in on the volleyball team Milly?" I asked.

"That's the one." She replied. "They seem really happy." She smiled.

"That's great! I haven't talked to her in a while." I sighed.

"Well, life happens. You loose connections but you make new one." She said.

"That was very deep." I laughed. "What happened to the Jo before?"

"I don't know...?" She smiled back. "I guess, life happened."


"My sister's throwing a Christmas party tonight, even though Christmas isn't for another four days and I was wondering if you wanted to come." I was talking to Jo while I rummaged through my closet looking for a nice looking dress.

"I don't know.." Jo unsurely said.

"Come on! You used to be the one who loved parties!" I yelled cheerfully, trying to persuade her.

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