1. Missing Coen

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Chapter 1: Missing Coen

Nine years later.

The winters here in New York were colder than how they were in South Carolina. The snowflakes would start falling as soon as fall came around.

As I sit here on the window sill of my apartment I look at the white snowflakes fall and turn this busy city full of lights into a city full of laughing children, that lit up the city just as much. I looked down at my engagement ring and it made me wish Coen was here to see this.

With being a professional soccer player now it was always so hard to actually have him home for at least one day. I missed his presence and his smile. Yeah we had Skype but it wasn't the same.

I got off the window sill and walked over to Taz, Taz was a white Siberian kitten that Coen and I bought a few months ago. He kept me company while Coen was away, His blue eyes reminded me of Coens and he always brought a smile to my face.

Jo and Zach were still living in South Carolina and were still dating, as far as I knew. Jo and I talked everyday and Zach and Coen talked everyday so when Coen and I talked we would update each other on Zach and Jo.

Taz walked up to me and started nuzzling on my foot. I gave him a quick pet and kiss before picking up a wedding magazine and sitting down on my soft cream colored sofa. I started flipping through the pages, trying to get some inspiration on what theme we should have at our wedding. I already had a tiny idea but who knew if that would be set in stone, I was very bad at sticking with my decisions. One of the only decisions that I've stuck with is getting engaged to Coen.

After I went through a few magazines and got some more ideas I went to the kitchen to make me some lunch. I decided to make myself a grilled cheese, caesar salad and some milk tea. After I finished making everything I walked my plate and mug over to the circle dining table that was made of glass. It was placed in this little corner of the apartment where you could look out the window and down at the city.

I sat there silently, eating my food, with the occasional meow from Taz. I continued to look at all the people playing with the snow, throwing it at their friends and laughing.

I soon finished my lunch and then brought all my dishes over to the sink. I decided to wash the dishes since they haven't been done since Coen left a few days ago. I finished half of the dishes before getting too tired to continue. I walked back to the couch and started playing with Taz. His favorite toy was this stuffed animal that he liked to scratch at and claw, so I waved it around and he followed it everywhere it went. He soon realized I was messing with him so he gave up. Once he did i just placed it down and then he started going at it. It was actually quite cute to see him make a mess, it wasn't as cute to clean up but it was worth it. While Taz was playing with his toy I turned on the t.v. I decided on watching 'The Middle' because that show was usually on and it was super funny. The episode that was currently on was the episode where Axel knocks down the door and won't put it back on. It wasn't my favorite episode but it was all that was on that I enjoyed so I just watched it.

I watched a few more episodes before I turned the t.v. off. Then I realized that I still needed to finish the dishes so I got my butt of the couch and walked over to the sink again. There was still piles of dishes in it. Last time I was here it seemed like there was less. I started but it was so quiet so I turned on my spotify playlist and the song Different Colors by Walk The Moon came blasting through my phone speakers. I turned it up some more because I was currently obsessed with them. Then the song started making me want to sing, I didn't fight it and just sang. "Sing ooh, DIFFERENT COLORS Ooh, we carry each other. Ooh, we're just DIFFERENT COLORS. This is why we're biting the bullet. We know the kids are right......" I got lost in singing I didn't know that so much time had passed. Some more of their songs came on and I sang along to those just like the first song and started getting carried away. Once all the dishes were clean I did really weird but fun dances around my living room. Taz most likely just stared at me like I was crazy but I didn't care because I would never hear his judgement. "so I say I'm sorry I can't, I've got plans. 'cause I watch the time slip thru my hands. what you don't know now one day you'll learn. growing up is a heavy leaf to turn, a heavy leaf to turn..." I sang along to another one of Walk The Moon's songs called Portugal. Finally my breath started to get heavy and I plopped down onto the couch to catch it.

Suddenly there was a knock on my door. At first I thought it was Coen but then I realized that it couldn't be him. I slowly made my way to the door, with my breath still pretty heavy. I took the door knob into my hands and then opened it. There standing in front of me was Jo, a suitcase right behind her and her eyes were watery. "What are you doing here?!" I asked in shock.

"I had to come see you." She cried. "Something has happened and I missed you so much."

"Come in." I said to her as I let her in and then closed it behind her. "What's up?" I asked. We both made our way to the couch and had a seat.

"Zach and I......" She tried to say. "Zach and..." She cried. Her face was now in her hands and her body was hovered over her body. Her voice was muffled. I could tell something bad had happened. I tried to make her feel better by hugging her and rubbing her back, telling her that it was okay. She finally released her face from her hands that were now covered in tears. Her breathing started to slow down a bit and returned back to normal before she spoke again, "We broke up." She spat out as quickly as she could, knowing that if she didn't she wouldn't be able to handle it.

"I'm so sorry." I said, sympathetically.

"I'm sorry if i'm bothering you. I really just needed a friend and someone to talk to in person." She whispered, looking down.

"You aren't going to bother me, I promise. I'm actually glad you're here. I've been in need of a friend too. Coen's always gone. It'll be fun." I smiled at her even though she was still looking down. "Come on. You can stay in our guest room." I told her as I grabbed her suitcase and wheeled it to the room. She followed me.

When she got into the room she sat down on the bed. I put her suitcase next to the dresser and then she said, "Thank you."

"No problem." I responded. "You know that you can come to me for anything. I'll always be here." I smiled before I gave her a proper hug and then walked towards the door. "Goodnight." I said as I walked out the door.

"Night." She responded before I closed it and allowed her to get some rest.

Once it was silent I walked to the kitchen and heated up some soup for dinner. I ate it while I watched Taz play. When I finished eating my food I walked my dishes over to the sink, placed the in the sink and then walked into my room and got ready for bed.

When I was finally ready for bed I got underneath the sheets and looked over to Coens side which was currently empty. I sighed before returning to looking up at the ceiling and soon the beige color soothed me enough to allow me to drift away into a deep sleep.


A/N: Yay! This is my first chapter of Paper Love. There is going to be 15 chapters just like Paper Planes! Hope you like it!

Don't copy this story and if you see someone else posting my story on another website please let me know!

This story has alot of grammer and punctuation mistakes so please just bare with me. If you can't deal with it then you don't hav to read it but I'm warning you!

Photo to the side is of Taz >>>>>>

~Scarlett or Pham234

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