13. Professional Movie Critics

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Chapter 13: Professional Movie Critics

Jo and Zach knocked on our bedroom door. Coen and I got up and opened it, guessing that they had already finished talking.

When we opened the door they were holding each others hands. Jo couldn’t contain her excitement that she squealed, “We are officially back together!”

“Congrats!” I fangirled a little along with Jo. They let go of each others hands so that Jo and I could hug and Zach and Coen could do a weird version of hugging. Sort of like a half hug with a pat on the back.  “Should we celebrate?” I asked as I skipped towards the kitchen and pulled out four beers.

“I’m up for it!” Zach responded.

“Sure!” Jo exclaimed. They put their hands back into each others and walked towards me. They decided to share one. Why did they have to be so freaking cute?

“Want one cone head?” I asked Coen.

“Wanna share one?” He asked.

“Good plan.” I replied as I opened it and then took a sip before handing it off to Coen and falling on the couch. “So any plans for tonight?” I asked Jo and Zach.

“Not really.” They both shook their head as they looked at eachother and then back to me.

“I mean if you guys have any idea. We have nothing planned.” Zach said.

“We could go to a movie.” I suggested. “I heard a really good one just came out. I think it’s called Into The Woods.”

“Oh I heard about that one!” Jo said.

“Isn’t it the one with that girl from Pitch Perfect?” Coen asked as he took a sip of beer before handing the bottle back to me.

“Yeah that’s the one.” I nodded. “It’s a musical.” I added.

“Sounds cool.” The rest nodded.

“Okay then. It’s settled. We just have to look at showing times.” I got my phone out and searched the show time. “There’s a few for today. I think the best one would be from 7:30-9:30.” I said. “So we have enough time to eat and get there.”

“Cool.” Coen responded as he put his hand out, asking for the beer. I gave it to him as I clicked on the trailer. It went by and as it did my arms filled with chills. After I watched it I passed my phone around so that the rest of them could watch the trailer.


Jo and I were getting ready in the master bathroom and Zach and Coen were getting ready in the other bathroom. I had on some skinny sweatpants that I got the other day with one of my many volleyball t-shirts. I threw my hair up into a messy ponytail and put on a subtle amount of make up. Mascara, lipgloss and some eyeshadow.  After we were done getting ready we all walked out into the living room. I ran back to my room to grab my phone before we all headed out.

“What should we eat for dinner?” Jo asked us as we made our way out of the apartment building.

“Panera?” I asked, not quite sure.

“That’s fine with me.” Zach and Coen both responded, Jo shrugged okay.

“Panera it is!” I announced as I pointed towards the direction of Panera. The rest of them followed me and we made our way.

We took our orders and then within a few minutes our food came out. Coen and I carried the trays before we all found a booth in the back of the restaurant. Jo and I slid into one side and Zach and Coen slid into the other one. After we dropped our food off at the table Jo and I went to grab drinks for everyone at the drink machine. I got Coen a sweet tea, and myself a sprite. We capped the drinks and then headed back to the table where we saw them already devouring the food. “Water for you.” Jo said as she placed Zach’s drink in front of him.

He smiled back at her with his mouth closed because if he opened his mouth food would probably fall out of it.  

Jo slid into the inside seat and I sat on the outside since I couldn’t handle the inside seats. I just found them dirty and I’ve always had this theory that all the dirt and food gets pushed into the inside. I’ve found them unpleasant ever since I was young, I remember I used to make Lola sit on the inside and she would complain because she could never get out.

“So how much time do we have left?” I asked as I pushed my fork through my salad.

“An hour.” Coen replied as he glanced at his watch.

“So we should probably finish eating in thirty minute so we have enough time to get there and get seats.” I thought out.

“And candy. Don’t forget about the candy.” Zach said with food almost escaping his mouth as he tried to push it back in.

“Yes, candy too.” I assured him. We ate in silence for the next few minute until we had to get up and go. We threw away our scraps and drinks. After that we opened the door up to the cold breeze of a winter night. We walked for about ten minutes until we were at the movie theater. The line for tickets weren’t too long since it was a week after opening week. We got behind the other five or so people who were buying tickets and waited our turn. We got our tickets in no time and then went into the movie theater, handing our ticket to the person in front before getting candy. I got sour patch kids to share with Coen along with popcorn and Jo and Zach got an abundance of junk food.

We then proceeded to skip to the theater number. We walked in and there was a decent amount of people there. We found seats around the middle and sat down, waiting for the movie to play.


The credits began playing as the lights went up. We got up and carried our leftover snacks along with us. As we stepped out of the theater I asked, “Thought about the movie anyone?” I waved around my fist as if it was a microphone.

“I thought Meryl streep was freaking amazing!” Zach gushed.

“When is she not?!” Jo exclaimed.

“Well I thought the songs were magnificent, just pristine.” I smiled held up and okay sign with my fingers. “What about you Coen, how many stars would you give this movie?”

“Out of what? Ten?”

“Sure, why not.” I replied.

“I would give it a nine point one.”

“Zach? Jo?” I questioned.

“Nine point five!” Zach shouted.

“Nine point three five nine.” Jo said. “What about you?” She asked me.

“Nine point six two hundred.” I made up.

“What?” Coen asked, completely confused.

“I honestly don’t know.” I laughed.

“You’re cute.” He chirped as he put his around my shoulder and squeezed me.

As he stopped squeezing me I slipped in a quick kiss on his cheek. And he didn’t take much longer after that to return the kiss.

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