12. All Smiles

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Chapter 12: All Smiles

When I rolled out of bed this morning it was rainy and the sun was cover behind the clouds. Coen was already awake and out in the kitchen making breakfast. So I decided to join him. I pulled my hair up into a messy ponytail, since I couldn't stand the feeling of messy hair. "Whatcha making?" I sang as I skipped towards Coen.

"Banana pancakes." He smiled as he flipped a pancake.

"Can I have some?" I asked innocently.

"No." He said sarcastically. "I made them all for myself." He grabbed the stack of pancakes and bit into one. "Just kidding!" He sounded like a little kid. I walked over towards the pancakes and tried to take one but Coen put his hand over them. "Not yet." He smiled.

"Okay..." I sighed as I fell down on the couch and kissed Taz multiple time. "Let's get you some breakfast, my hungry kitty." I walked to the laundry room and grabbed Taz's bowls and food bowl then brought them out and placed them on the living room floor. I filled one with food and the other with water as soon as they were filled Taz ran towards the bowls and began eating.

Coen came around a few seconds later with a plate of banana pancakes in his hand. He carried them to the dining table and we sat across from one another, eating them and talking.

"Zach's coming back today." Coen mentioned.

"Does Jo know?" I whispered.

"I don't think so." He replied. "But I think he wants to surprise her."

"Do you think they'll get back together?" I spoke softly.

Coen nodded, "Eventually. I think Jo still loves him and Zach obviously can't get over her."

"True." I agreed. "I can't imagine them not getting back-" I was interrupted by Jo hobbling out of her room with her bunny slippers on.

"Morning..." She smiled.

"Hey." Coen and I said in harmony.

"Banana pancakes?" Coen offered her as he showed her the plate full of pancakes.

"No thanks I'll just have some cereal." She replied.

"Well if you want some we have some extra." He told her.

"Thanks." She said as she poured herself a bowl of cereal. She joined us as soon as she placed a spoon in her bowl. "So any plans for today?" Jo asked casually, putting a spoonful of cereal in her mouth.

Coen and I looked at each other before turning back to Jo and say, "Nope."

She looked at both of us in skepticism, "Okay..."

"What?" I defended.

"Nothing. You guys are just acting weird."

"When are we not?" Coen joined in.

"True." Jo responded as she forgot everything we said and our facial expressions. Coen and I let go of our breaths and then just as we were calm our hearts stiffened again to the sound of the doorbell. "Probably the mail." Jo said.

"Yeah. I'll get it." I said. I got up and looked back at Coen asking him what to do. He shrugged and I turned back towards the door and prepared myself for all the emotions that would fill the house. I opened up the door slightly and poke my head out to see Zach standing there.

"Hi." He slightly smiled.

"What are you doing here?" I asked him as I stepped out of the house and closed the door behind me.

"I had time off of work and decided to come back." He explained, vaguely.

"Is that all?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Yes, Jo was part of the reason too."

"So you just expect to show up and win her back?"

"Yes, actually I do." He smiled.

"Well not on my watch buddy." I gave a smile back except it wasn't a comforting one.

"Please Fay." He pleaded. "Just a few minutes, that's all I'm asking."

"And how do I know you're not going to break her heart again?"

"Because I truly care about her now, I've thought things out, I've been without her and those days have been by far the worst days." Damn he was good at talking.

"Fine." I rolled my eyes, giving in. "But if you dare hurt her you're out." I threatened.

"Okay, I promise." He surrendered with his hands up.

I opened the door and let him in. Jo turned her head as we walked in. Her face was hard to read it was a mixture of longing, sadness and relief. "What are you doing here?" She asked.

"I got a break off work and it was kind of lonely so I decided to come here." He explained. "And plus I wanted to see you." He sheepishly smiled.

I raised my eyebrows at him, warning him to not hurt her. He responded by nodding. "Coen come on lets leave them alone." I said as I smiled at Jo and she half smiled back. We walked into our bedroom and sat on the bed with Taz.

"Well wasn't that exciting." Coen sighed.

"Totally." I let out a small laugh. "I wonder what they are going to talk about."

"Don't even think about eavesdropping." Coen warned me.

"I won't." I rolled my eyes and then slumping my shoulders. Taz walked around our bedroom and then found a place to rest in the corner where the sunlight was coming in. "Aww look at Taz!" I exclaimed. "He looks like a little snowball."

"If he was a snowball he would be melting." Coen pointed out.

"Shut up." I playfully hit him. "Don't talk about my boyfriend like that."

"I'm guessing I'm going to fight over you with a cat?" Coen asked adding a chuckle. "I'm terrified." He mocked, making a scared face.

"If you keep up your sarcasm there will be no competition anymore." I smirked.

"Hey, why do you get to make up the rules?!"

"Because I can.." I shot back.

"Fair enough." Coen shrugged.

"Wrong!" I screamed in a joking way, pointing my finger at him.

"Hey, hey, hey." Coen said as he pushed my finger aside. "Pointing is rude."

"Fine." I said as I gestured to him with all my fingers.

"Better." He smiled. "And why was I wrong?"

"Because you aren't suppose to give up that easily."

"You are so complicated." Coen sighed.

"But you're still here so I'm guessing that's a good thing."

"And guess what?" He asked.

"What?" I responded.

"I'm going to be here for longer than you thought."

"What are you talking about?" I asked, with a confused face.

"I talked to my coach and I don't have to leave."

"Really?!" My eyes widened as I leaned in and gave Coen a big hug. I guess I was so excited that the force was so strong because before I knew it I had pushed Coen on his back. I gave him a quick peck on the lips before helping him up and giving him a less violent hug.

"Really!" He smiled, answering my question.

"I can't stop smiling." I told him as we parted from our embrace.

"Me neither." He responded. We just sat there, staring into eachothers eyes with giddy smiles on our faces that would not fade anytime soon.

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