Rosé said happily and ran towards him, he smiled softly and hugged her tightly.


The words accidentally came out of my mouth and Jimin heard it.

"shut up, Patrick."
"I swear, I would have paid Rosé to kill you only If you were not my brother."

I said and rolled my eyes. Yes, Jimin is my brother. Younger brother. Well, not very young, I was born on 27th and he was born on 28th. It's just a one day difference.

"I don't understand why my Sissy hates me so much."

He said walking towards me, I crossed my arms and looked at him with narrow eyes.

"it's because you ate my fucking lasagna."

"I fed your cats yesterday."
"oh my god!! You did?"

"aweeeee, I have the best brother in the worldddd! Thank you!"

I exclaimed and hugged him tightly, he rolled his eyes and hugged back.

"you're such a drama queen."
"shut up."

We both started chuckling and broke the hug.

"sigh, I wish I had a brother or a sister."

Jungkook said in a low tone which grabbed all three of us, attention.

"don't worry jungkook. You have me as your older sister, I don't have a sibling either so maybe you can be my younger brother."

Rosé said and patted jungkook's back. He smiled softly and looked at her.

"thank you Rosie."

That was cute. I looked at Jimin who was looking at his best friend and his girlfriend in 'awe'

"anyways, brekkie is served."

Rosé said and we all walked towards the dinning room. We were having Italian type of breakfast.

"I thought Taehyung was gonna join us for breakfast"

Jimin said and sat beside Rosé, he looked at jungkook who just shrugged

"yea, he told me he was gonna be here at 10. Maybe he went to pick up his girlfriend?"

"yea, maybe."

I didn't knew what they were talking about, I started eating my food silently.

After a while we heard some footsteps coming towards us. I turned around to see a tall, good looking guy with a short yet beautiful girl.

The girl had long black hairs and was wearing a bright yellow dress, the dress had a little 'sunflower' written on it. It was simple yet cute. The dress covered her knees, she was wearing red heels which gave a really nice look. The contrast between red and yellow really gave out a cute vibe, her makeup was light and pretty much unnoticeable.

The guy besides her was tall, taller than the girl and me. He was wearing a red half sleeves shirt. The shirt was pretty simple and it had 'ok boomer' written on it. It was cute. He was wearing black jeans and boots. His sunglasses were a bonus. I realised they both were wearing the same type of watches. Even more cute now.

"sorry, we're late! This lady here is very indecisive."
"can you stop bullying me?!"
"you love me."
"suck a dick."
"why don't you suck mine?"
"I did, yesterday."

The girl smiled innocently looking at the guy, the guy had a slight smirk on his face and he was staring right back at the girl.

"seriously? Right in front of my salad?"

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