You dashed down the streets dodging signs and people who gave you weird looks.

You're glad that you did that extra cardio training since it had been a pretty long run.

You arrived at the train station just as your train was leaving. You scanned your card and ran into the station, but as you were running in the trains direction, the doors started to close.

"No, no, no, no." You mumbled under your breath as you tried to chase down the train, but your efforts failed as the vessel started and left before you could reach it.

You cried out in aspiration as you realized that you would have to wait half an hour to make the next train.

You collapsed no the nearest bench, trying to catch your breath. You decided to call Midoriya to at least let him know that your going to be late.

You felt around you body for your phone. When you didn't feel it, you decided to check in your bag, then you remembered.

'Shit! I left it on my charger!' You cursed to yourself. This day was definitely not going as planned.

You tried to calm your head by getting a drink from the vending machine, but you still couldn't believe how stupid you had been.

You waited out the thirty minutes wondering what Midoriya was thinking. Do you think he tried calling you? You felt so bad for being irresponsible, but there wasn't much you could do now.

When the train came by, you climbed on it. The train ride was quiet and you tried your best not to freak out at how slow it felt.

As soon as you got off, you started to run again. Luckily, Midoriya's place was only five minutes away and you were able to make it there quickly.

You stood in front of the door, contemplating what you should say. You patted down you wind blown hair and finally knocked on the door.

Almost immediately the door flew open to reveal Midoriya's mother, Inko. You were about to apologize for being late, but before you could, Inko pulled you into a bear hug.

"There you are sweetheart. Izuku was freaking out thinking that you forgot." She released you

"I'm so sorry! I overslept and then I missed the train and then left my phone at my home." You replied frantically.

"It's okay. We're just glad you made it. Anyway Izuku is in his room. You can visit him. Have you eaten yet? I'll make you two some lunch." She dashed off before you could even answer.

You hesitantly entered the place and took off your shoes before making your way to the room you remembered as Midoriya's.

Seeing the All Might sign with his name on it gave you the final confirmation that it was his room and you raised your knuckles to knock.

A few moments later, the door opened to meet Midoriya

As soon as he saw you a smile lit up on his face. "I thought you forgot. I've been calling you." He said, not in malice, just a little concern.

You explained to him what happened and apologized profusely, but he was totally forgiving and motioned you into his room.

"We should probably get started so we can finish as soon as possible." He told you and you nodded.

You sat on the floor and pulled out your textbooks. He sat down across from you and did the same. You guys started immediately. He would let you read certain topics and then would question you on them.

You got quite a few wrong and got embarrassed at points, but Midoriya was extremely patient with you, explaining everything you didn't understand in a almost flawless and easy to understand way. And when you got one right he would praise you and explain it in more detail.

A Sky Full of Stars (Izuku Midoriya x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now