"Yes.. she's stronger then Kylo anticipated.." Hux sadly replied, making eye contact with snoke.

- Kylo pov-

As soon as I broke free from snokes presence, I slammed Hux against the wall with the force. "You pretended to be a friend to the princess!!?" I roared, I couldn't believe him. This would break her heart if she knew or saw the signs, the fact that he would even dare- "no! It was all real!" He cried, but I couldn't dare believe the words that came out of his mouth,

"If I didn't want to be a friend to the princess then why I bother protecting her from harm in the hall?" He continued, I could only now think of what Fawn said about how 'they' would eventually come back and attempt to take the princess back, I hissed; allowing him to drop the floor as I stormed away.

However the general followed my like a lost puppy, "Why do you care anyway, you aren't falling in love with the girl are you?!" Hux began again,

I didn't understand how one moment this bastard was crying for mercy, but now he's testing my patience. From underneath my mask I gritted my teeth, and i clenched my fists.. "no!" I yelled, knowing that he flinched from the echo from my anger..

"You are. I can tell. Your conflicted, you know if Snoke finds out..she's dead.. or worse, you."

I was conflicted. Every word was pretty much true, but the princess couldn't know. She couldn't love me anyway, I was a monster. I killed, I hurt others but yet she doesn't fear me. She will shake in my presence, but her unstoppable confidence is something else, she smiles at me like I haven't pushed her to her limits or screamed at me.

Fawn stellarfire was indeed beautiful. But something I could not have, it would only bring chaos, and more death. Death was gorgeous itself too, but in this case if any harm came to Fawn I may only blame myself. It was best to stay distant from a close relationship, maybe I should continue to be cold.. maybe cuddling her was a mistake, but the way she looks at me .. she clearly likes me too.. no, who am I kidding?

There was silence as we had both stopped again, well, that was until Hux spoke again, "do not be afraid, I will not tell snoke of your feelings.. I'm not supposed to be her friend but I am," Hux reassured me,

"Fine then! I do, I care for her so much I treat her like shit!" I complained, clenching my fists even harder.

"Are you being sarcastic?" He questioned . Hux was a god damn fool sometimes, I wasn't being sarcastic, I was being truthful like he interrogated me for! Through my mask, I glared at him, although he could not see that luckily. "No! I did treat her shit, I still do! For 2 weeks hux!" I replied, sighing.

"Treat her more kindly, in times like this the princess will need it. Soon they will come for her, even the resistance"

And with that, the man walked off, just leaving me baffled to my thoughts. Treat her more kindly? Fawn wasn't exactly the easiest to control.. stubborn as hell she was.. but yet, she was still kind, she treated me like I was human even if I was a brutal selfish killer.

I wandered the halls, even more conflicted. Soon, standing outside of my own chambers, hesitating to enter my own bedroom.. only because of the 'scared little girl' who was hopefully resting inside. As I stepped in, I found her awake.. standing up . For god sake. This girl was going to be the death of me, she needed to rest..

"Kylo.." she muttered softly, her eyes didn't widen with fear though, she seemed almost glad to see me. I guess that was a start? Be kind, be kind, be kind. I repeated in my head, "Fawn" I moved my hands to my mask, taking it off so she could see my face. To make me human? I don't know..

"I see your already up" I smiled, so far it was working, she wasn't shaking and even the princess herself had her own smile on her face. She nodded, "nightmare" rolling her eyes before letting out a small chuckle. A side coming out from Fawn I had never seen before.. but in this light, she was gleaming with just beauty. I have never seen a woman this beautiful in all the galaxies and planets I had invaded..

Maybe love wasn't a bad thing. No kylo, it's wrong..

"Ah I see, well no nightmares shall come while I'm here" I replied, motioning to the bed. Her mouth opened like she was going to speak, but she closed it, climbing back into my bed.. the only thing in my chambers I could smell was her, intoxicating me. "Why are you being so kind, you seemed angry earlier..?"

So I guess it was working? "Im just in a good mood now!" , her brows frowned as I said that, did I say something wrong?

"That's good.. but someone will piss you off soon, wether that's me or Hux" she let out a sigh, that was true.. her face fell into sadness, and her smile faded, the princess was truly something.. "Hm yes.." I agreed, allowing some silence to settle in,

"however, after the events from today, I have noticed.. I have been too harsh.." I continued, walking over and sitting by her as she laid her head on my pillow, her eyes staring into mine.. "Hux made me realise that too," she didn't nod or speak, she just looked at me.. I wished in this moment I could see what she was thinking, although Fawn was too talented.. the fact she pretended that she didn't know how to use the force, when realistically she does..

"The anxiety is just getting to my head if I'm alone now," her smile reappeared. Good.

"You know if there's something bugging you, I will sort it out for you princess.." I reminded her, she nodded again.. but In my head, all I could remember was the time where Hux harassed her, and I believed she was being pathetic. This was way I needed to be kinder... "I like kind Kylo.." she yawned,

"Sleep princess.."

And that was the last words I told her, watching her eye lids just growing heavy and slowly closing. Submerging her in sleep, she needed it.. this pressure I was always putting on her was certainly a reason why today happened.. sighing, I left to go shower..

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