scenario 1 (^∇^) ~ hyung line version

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Jihoon dragged you to the door of the principal's office

Йой! Нажаль, це зображення не відповідає нашим правилам. Щоб продовжити публікацію, будь ласка, видаліть його або завантажте інше.

Jihoon dragged you to the door of the principal's office. You pulled your arm away from his grip and scowled.

"Yah, if you keep scowling at me, you'll get wrinkles prematurely!" he barked at you. Jihoon took a breath, looked at you, and said, "Let's get this over with, alright?"

"Alright. Wait, why aren't you opening the door?" You gestured towards him, as his arms were crossed and not making an effort to open the door.

"I don't want to. I don't need a reason. Why should I open it when you-"

You rolled your eyes and opened the door. You both walked inside and sat down in the two seats in front of the principal's desk.

Jihoon, without any comment or prompt from the principal, started bursting. You facepalmed and groaned internally. This boy-

"I already see your accusing eyes. I may act like I'm wild, but I'm really not. I just have a personality. The only reason we're here is because you want to get rid of 'possible problems.' I know the government will cut your salaries and funding if you don't get rid of miscreants like us. If you think about, you're the miscreant! Forcing children to come to school for 2/3 of each day and detaining them here is practically imprisonment! Oh, it's all because you don't want to lose your paycheck. Our misery and restricted creative freedom is worth your paycheck. Now, what were you saying?"

The principal eyed Jihoon and then proceeded to tell you what you guys were called for.

"According to this account of a staff member, you guys were stealing from the canteen. Now, if you tell me what really happened and if it seems legitimate, I might-"

Jihoon slammed his hand on the table. This boy meant business.

"Might what? I really respect your politeness, sir, but we did nothing. All we did was contribute to saving the world. All I did was get a set of chopsticks from the dispenser near the food. I noticed you've been giving us chicken more often. That's good! We need to stop world domination- chickens are more troublesome than you, ya know. They are capable of taking over the world. They have some of the sharpest minds out there-"

You slapped Jihoon on the cheek and glared. You then turned to the principal and explained your case.

"Principal, I apologize. Jihoon hasn't realized his place. Jihoon insisted on inspecting the cafeteria food, so he took several food items. I have photographic memory, so I remembered all the items he took and I paid for them. I can take some responsibility-"

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