scenario 1 (^∇^) ~ hyung line version

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You both (you + a treasure member) got in trouble for something you both are not guilty for and you are trying to persuade the will that turn out?



You and Hyunsuk walked towards the office of the principal

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You and Hyunsuk walked towards the office of the principal. You had nerves, but thankfully concealed them. Hyunsuk, with his soft heart, was trying to hide his worry, but was failing severely. Hyunsuk kept on fidgeting with his hands. As you both approached the door, Hyunsuk grabbed your hand. Just as you were about to open the door, Hyunsuk pushed out a confession of fear.

"It's stupid, but I'm kind of scared. You probably haven't noticed but-"

"I have, bro- it was pretty obvious. Don't worry, we'll be just fine." You replied as you tried to reassure the panicked little boy before you.

Hyunsuk grinded his teeth as a new package of nerves gets delivered and distributed throughout his body. Quietly, he took a few deep breaths and nodded. He straightened his posture and said, "Let's get this done."

You opened the door, where your principal was scanning through files. The sound of the door had caught his attention and shifted it to you guys. He greeted you and Hyunsuk and gestured for you guys to sit down.

Your principal inhaled deeply and stated, "Tell me why I shouldn't punish you. Based on this account from your teacher, you both engaged in cheating-"

"Pardon me, but I need to say something. This girl beside me did nothing! Please don't punish her! I'm more than willing to take her share of corrective protocol," Hyunsuk uttered in a flurry of words.

He was about to speak more, but you grabbed his hand and stared aggressively. Hyunsuk gulped, but ignored your warnings.

"I can give you three reasons- no, three essays- proving how innocent this girl beside me is. First of all, she has loads of integrity. When we took a quiz online in Health, everyone searched up the answers and got a hundred. She did it honestly, without the help of Google, and got a lower score. Second of all, she is hard working. Her work ethic gives her no reason to cheat, because her hard work almost always pays off. Third of all-"

Your principal sighed as he cut Hyunsuk off by raising his hand. He groaned and then proceeded to say, "I think I've heard enough. Also, turns out I called the wrong students."

Hyunsuk's previous nervousness disappeared once he heard what the principal had to say. He grinned as you guys both stood up. You said bye to your principal and left the office. You and Hyunsuk high-fived and departed to your respective modes of transport.

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