Chapter 31: Recovery

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I gently picked up Jessica as she just kept yelling "OWWWWWW!" Over and over, eventually throwing in several instances of "Mommy, I gave myself a booboo." I carried her over as my family started to gather in the snow in front of the ruined temple. I carefully set Jessica back in the snow. Thus she started talking again- because that is what she does. "Hi everyone, my name is Jessica, I'm one hundred and fifty-one years old, I'm a girl, I'm currently deaf and I am in ridiculous pain, if someone could just knock me right out that would be great." She gave two thumbs up. 

J-Star appeared next to me, looking down at the injured Jessica. "Well- I mean I did it before so-"

"Hitting someone in the head so hard they go unconscious isn't exactly a medical procedure Jay," I said, holding a hand in front of her to halt her.

"It's what she asked for..." Jay pointed out, hesitating, even as she raised her fist. I bit my lip looking at Jessica, who was now just laying on her side in the snow. Jay knelt next to Jessica. "Girl... I'm sorry. This can't be gentle-"

"Wait... I'm remembering something..." Jessica put up a hand. She looked over at Kyle. "I'm remembering how I saved you..." She blinked a few times. "I woke up and hit a guard with a blast of electric energy when he wasn't paying attention to me because he was chasing you."

Kyle shook his head. "Yeah, that's how the fight ended. Though a lot of it's a blur for me, it was so long ag-." but Jessica interrupted him.

"I don't remember hearing her voice... oh no... that- DON'T!" Jessica suddenly shouted at J-Star, who was still ready to knock her out. "That explains everything, doesn't it? I woke up... when I was rescuing Kyle I was knocked out... and then I woke up... and Raven didn't." Jessica laid her head in the snow. "No... I can take the pain, I can take the pain, I can take the pain..."

"Jessica you don't sound like you can take a-" J-Star started but Jessica interrupted.

"If it means Raven stays with me, I can take the pain." I wasn't sure if Jessica had some of her hearing back, or if she was just guessing what everyone was saying and that's why she was interrupting so much.

J-Star took a syringe out of a small case from a satchel she had been wearing. "Good thing I stole some of these things before we left Scorpio." She injected Jessica.

"Boys... it hurts so bad... Kyle... hold me..." Jessica said. Kyle gave her a gentle smile, getting down in the snow beside her and pulling up her head to rest it in his lap. Jessica then held up a hand. "Jaden- Raven says you're not going anywhere either."

"I kinda need to organize everyone-" I said, but Kyle interrupted.

"And Raven needs someone named Jaden- you're the only you here so I guess someone else can organize everyone," Kyle said with a chuckle.

I sighed and knelt down, taking Jessica's hand. I shook my head saying, "Hi Raven." and moving my lips deliberately so she could "see" what I was saying.

Jessica gave a small smile. "Raven says 'hi'." Jessica shook a little, snuggling into Kyle "I'm gonna try to pass out now- don't let go." I gently draped my coat over her.

"She's suffering... really wanna just knock her out," J-Star said.

I shook my head at her. "Too risky. We could literally lose someone."

"By the way... my hearing is kinda back," Jessica noted.

I surveyed the battlefield, eyes freezing as they fell over where Ruth had been blasted.

There knelt Scorpio, tears streaming out of his eyes. He just looked at us as the group started to organize now with mom at the helm. "Why?" he sobbed. Scorpio slowly got to his feet. He drew a sword on his side quickly pointing it at Jessica who was indeed slowly passing out. She however was awake enough to see what was happening. I saw it on her face, she wasn't scared of him, just saddened. "You did this... why did you do this? There could have been another way. You didn't have to. You didn't have to kill her." He sobbed, his sword shaking in his grasp. "I hate you."

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