Chapter 26: Granddaughter of the Gods

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This was a nightmare. I was so helpless. For the first time in my life, when I was in danger and knew it full well, my powers did nothing. My whole body was just limp. Those people could have done anything they wanted to me, and I would only be aware.

It wasn't so much that they did... anything really... just that they could have. When that one man took me in his arms, I did not even begin to know him, but I did feel a sense of genuine care, even beyond the strange sense of... I guess feelings of happiness I got from the girl. That girl, I sensed didn't want to hurt me, all the same, she was far more distressing than comforting, especially while I was helpless to even beg her to stop.

Worst of all, I could not beg them to stop, I could not call out for help, I couldn't know where I was going... and neither would my family. How would I even begin to get back to them if I woke?

I understood the last words Ruth said to me, I just didn't know what to do with them.

Over time I slowly felt my muscles come back under my control. It was a strange feeling to be sure, but I moved my arms and legs slightly as the feeling came. I bit my lip. 'Wait...' came a voice in my head.

'Jessica?... I'm scared.'

'Sorry- seems that drug kept me from talking or switching with you, I didn't mean to leave you alone. I'm scared too, Raven. But wait. If we call that girl in right away she'll be in control again.'

'What do we do?'

'Nothing. Just lay here.' My heart started to race hearing that.'Please just trust me. She gave us a sedative. We'll wake up all the way eventually.'

'I... I can't do this. Jessica... I'm so scared.'

'Go dormant. I've got this.'

'You sure?' I asked. 'You'll do that even after what I just tried to pull?'

'It's okay. Hey, I'll even call your name when I think it's time to make this girl talk.'

I let Jessica in front, her closing our eyes.

I heard her voice calling to me gently. 'Raven? Raven are you there? I think we're ready- can you please respond? I don't know what happens if I try to make you front without you being conscious and... kinda don't wanna find out.'

'Right here.'

'Alright, let's do this...' 


I opened my eyes and looked around the room. I breathed and moved my legs, them feeling fully normal now, even restless. I closed my eyes again, anger washing over my body. I felt violated, how dare someone do this to me- to anyone really. Had they done this to a member of my family... the thought only made my blood feel hot in my veins. 'Raven... maybe get her in here in a subtle fashion.'  I felt a roar catch in my throat. 'But yeah, once she's in here- go ahead and unleash hell.'

I made my voice sound as scratchy and weak as I could. "Ruth? Someone? Help... please..." I put just a little more force behind the call. "Help..." I waited, hearing the scrambling of bare feet that sounded like someone who weighed about as much as Ruth looked to weigh.

I had gotten a good look at Ruth before. She was a dark brown girl, looking about seventeen. At the time she had been clothed in a purple dress with a white shawl.

She stumbled into the room quickly. "My queen-" In what, to her, probably seemed like a breath, I lept out of the bed and raced at her, letting my speed slow just enough so I wouldn't hurt myself when I delivered a punch straight to her stomach. Ruth doubled over and dropped to the ground as electricity surrounded my body. I glared down at her. She coughed slowly up to me. "Okay... I can see you're upset."

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