Chapter 10: Angel?

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Hello! My name is Joseph Bu⁠—wait no it's not.

Anyway, here's your chapter *secretly slides a piece of paper over the table*

This chapter is dedicated to Colleenisanerd

Who, like me, does not own the Phantom of the Opera.


Serafimo, your disguise is perfect

Why who can-a this be?

Meg's character, who was also silent, went to answer the door.

Gentle wife, admit your loving husband

I crossed over to the opposite side of the stage and leaned over, pretending to dust the bed.

And must leave you with your new maid

That part was very uncomfortable to perform, but in the opera, it was normal.

"The old fool is leaving."

I didn't usually get stage fright, but there was an intense sense of dread that I couldn't shake off. I wasn't even concerned about the show—I knew we were going to have at least one very unsuccessful performance—it was as if I was worried about something else, something much more important.

Thankfully, I was good enough at acting not to let it show, but I wasn't quite good enough to get rid of the feeling completely. This was the first performance, so all of our wealthiest supporters and harshest critics were here tonight.

Carlotta and Piangi continued their opera-like vocalizing. We were being watched. Not by the thousands of people in the audience; something else. Something much more sinister. I could feel it. We were being watched—observed, like toys—by something higher. Something that disapproved. Something we couldn't stop.

Serafimo, away with this pretense!

You cannot-a speak but kiss me in my husband's absence!

I shed my disguise, revealing a male character wearing jeans, and hid behind her giant fan to look like we were kissing.

Poor fool, he makes me laugh, a-a-a-a-a!

I could feel it again. It was there. My heart pumped harder and harder and I began to shiver. The hairs on the back of my neck and on my arms stood on their ends, and I couldn't get them to stop. I hadn't been expecting this. Something was off.

Poor fool, he doesn't know, o-o-o-o-o!

The feeling only intensified. Who—or what—was watching us?

If he knew the truth, he'd never ever go!

"Did I not instruct," boomed the omnipresent voice, "that Box 5 was to be kept empty?"

Of course. Of course, of course, of course. It was him. There was a collective gasp from everyone in the room, and then a quiet, confused chatter broke out.

"He's here," Meg panted, "the Phantom of the Opera."

"It's him."

"Your part," Carlotta screamed, "is silent, little toad!"

She giggled as she walked away and I remembered what was happening, and what was going to happen. I must've had either extremely good hearing or an extremely vivid imagination, or a combination of the two, because I heard Erik respond to Carlotta's comment.

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