Chapter 3: And So It Begins

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Hello again! Welcome back :)

This chapter is dedicated to MaggiePershyn , who has recited practically the entire movie with me, and unknowingly inspired me to write this story.

The movie, which, of course, along with any other Phantom of the Opera stuff, does not belong to me.

As always, I encourage you to comment, and don't be afraid to vote, either :)

Now for the story, shall we?


"Gentlemen, gentlemen, uh, gentlemen, please," Monsieur Reyer stuttered, tapping his baton on the music stand, "Signor, please, it's 'Rome,' not 'Roma.'"

"But 'Roma' is easier! 'Rommme' is too 'ard for-"

"Rehearsals, as you can see, are underway for a new production of Chalumeau's Hannibal," Monsieur Lefevre announced as he strode onto the stage.

"Monsieur Lefevre," M. Reyer complained, "I am rehearsing!"

I chuckled a bit at their dispute. I was still waiting on the stairs, but I could clearly hear everything that was happening on stage. It made me smile to hear them interact, though I often felt bad for M. Reyer. I was used to this place, these people. It was home.

"Monsieur Reyer, Madame Giry," he replied, "Ladies and gentlemen, uh, please. If I could have your attention? Thank you." He looked around nervously at the crowd as they awaited his news. "As you know," he continued, "for some weeks, there have been rumors of my imminent retirement. I can now tell you that these were all true."

I began climbing the stairs as I heard Carlotta's "Aha!" I rubbed the crease that formed on my forehead. Déjà vu.

"And, uh," he finished, "it is my pleasure to introduce you to the two gentlemen who now own the Opera Populaire: Monsieur Richard Firmin, et Monsieur Gilles Andre." As gentle applause broke out, he added: "I'm sure you've read of their recent fortune amassed in the junk business."

"Scrap metal, actually."

Seriously. I had seen this before. Where had I seen this?

"And we are deeply honored to introduce our new patron: the Vicomte de Changy." People applauded again and Firmin muttered something to his partner. We reached the top of the stairs and I stopped in awe.

Of course! I thought, I'm such an idiot! How could I forget? I had been here for so long that I'd completely forgotten I was in a story. This was the beginning scene! I could still remember every detail of the movie vividly. Meg noticed my staring, so I spoke.

"C'est Raoul."

Raoul walked onto the stage to greet everyone, and Meg looked at me expectantly.

"Before my father died," I explained, reciting the line I'd heard so many times before, "at the house by the sea... I guess you could say we were childhood sweethearts. He called me Little Lotte."

"Christine, he's so handsome," she smiled.

Yeah, I thought, and lucky. If any other phangirl had been in my place, Raoul would not have a very promising few months ahead of him. Luckily, it wasn't. It was me, and I liked Raoul. Not as much as the Christine in the movie did, but enough. I saw his efforts, his attempts, his intentions, and I knew that he had only the best. I appreciated that, and I would have sought to do the same in return even if I had a choice. More importantly, of course, I respected the plot. I wouldn't go ruining a good story just because of my own personal feelings.

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