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Viking's pov ***

I decided to go ahead and install the new security camera under the bar, since nobody was likely to come out for a drink in this storm. As I'm hooking up the last cable connection, the door opens and closes. "Is that you dad? Crow?" I look on the small monitor and see the next to the last person who I ever thought to see again. Amberlyn Green! The love of my life!

That's when I knew that I was screwed. Fuck! Why am I being tortured by her? What the hell did I do this week, to be dealt this shit? I haven't even been on a job in almost a month!

I take a deep breath then glue the stoney look on my face. I can't let her know how much she effects me. She moved on with her life. I have too. It just took me a hell of a lot more time and pain than it did her.

**** **** **** ****
I'm talking to Crow and turn my back to her. My nerves are shot after telling her what precious daddy did to me. But I can't crumble in front of her. And I won't tell her the worst part of what he did after his friends left, with my broken arms still tied to the tree limb above my head. Needless to say, he likes men and has a fixation on suffering. Only dad and Crow, know the extent of damage done that day. No matter what though, I still can't hurt Amberlyn any more. The faster she leaves, the better. I just need to keep the act of defiance up. Keep my heart cold. If I thaw, it may kill me this time. I know that she's gone to the bathroom.

"Ash, do you want or need me there? I can be there as soon as the worst part of the storm is over."

"I can do this, Car. I have to do this. I can't let myself go back there. Does that make sense?"

"Yeah, it does, brother. I just wish that I was there to help you. This fuckin storm!" Crow said into the phone.

I checked the mirror above the bar, to make sure she hasn't come out yet, before my next words. "What kind of man would I be if I can't handle a night with her? I appreciate it little brother. Time for me to get on with my life. But, then again, can I make it work this time? It seems like fate that she's here. We both know that she didn't know anything that her father was doing. I will have to think on it." I saw her exit the bathroom. She wiped her eyes and cheeks. Amberlyn had been crying. "Look, Carlton, I'll talk to you later, alright?"

"Ok. If you need me, holler. Be strong big brother!"

"Will do. Take care of dad."

"I will. Later!" He hung up.

He knows that I worry about dad since he had that accident that almost killed him last year. Dad was working hard to be able to walk again. He said that his grandkids were not going to remember him as 'the old crippled man.'

He was doing pretty good, but still has a very long road to travel. But still ahead of what the doctors all said.

I felt Amberlyn come up to the bar. "You hungry?"

"No, I ate on the road. Thank you. I heard you say 'take care of dad.' What's wrong with Mr. Harris?"

"He was hit by an idiot who didn't want to stop at a red light. He was on my bike. He's paralyzed from the waist down. But getting better. He's determined to walk again, for the grandkids."

"So you or Carlton have kids now?"

"No! Our sister does. She and her husband have triplets. Two boys and one girl. All spoiled beyond reason."

"How do you have a sister? I never knew of her."

A smile worked it's way to my face as I thought of Sara. "Sara, aka little bit. We share a mother. We actually met here in this bar. We never knew about each other until about five years ago. I have a little half brother too. Our mother was a whore. We are all happy that she's dead."

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