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  "Man this storm is getting bad quickly! I need to find a place to stay the night." I continue driving about ten miles an hour. Windshield wipers are on high. I still have a hard time seeing where I was going. The rain is pounding the roof of my car so hard, that I can't hear the radio, not to mention the hail that has started now.

  I see a flashing open sign. "Thank you God!" I pull into the parking lot of, what turned out to be a bar. "Oh well, it will have to work. The hail is getting bigger." I grab my bag and umbrella. With a count of three, I open my door and then the umbrella, in one smooth move. I make a run for the door.

  It opens easily. The wind almost yanks it out of my hand. I put the umbrella down so I can shut the door against the wind and rain. I try to wipe off most of the rain from my face.

I look around and see nobody. "Is that you, dad? Crow?" I hear a deep, husky voice from behind the bar area.

  "Umm, no. My name is Amberlyn Green. I got caught in the storm. Can I stay here until the storm passes?" I replied as I walked slowly towards the bar. I have heard that voice before. But where?

  "Do you know the difference between a screwdriver and pliers?" He asked, after a few moments of silence.

  I am taken back by the question. What kind of shit is that? "Only a fucking idiot would not know the difference!"

  "Great! Hand me the screwdriver on top of the bar."

  I still haven't seen him. My guess is that he is laying on the floor. I get the tool and round the long bar. I'm curious as to what he looks like. My guess is he is tall, and muscular, judging by his deep voice. When I round the bar, all I see is long legs, six pack abs, and a waist. He isn't wearing a shirt. What I see is very impressive so far. Too bad I have a boyfriend. "Here you are."

  He sticks a hand up for the screwdriver. Then it disappears again. Then reappears. "Pliers."

  I hand over the tool. "Can I use your phone? Mine died."

  "Yeah, go ahead. You can also charge your phone."

  "Thanks! But I didn't get my charger from my car. And I'm not going back out there if I can help it." I dialed Greg's number.

  "Hello?" He answered after the fifth ring. He sounded kinda out of breath.

  "Greg! It's me. I am stranded in the storm."

  I heard another voice in the background. "Come back to bed baby."

  "Who is that?"

  "Oh! Umm, nobody. Just the tv. So where are you stuck at? I didn't think that this storm would reach Austin yet."

  "Is that Amberlyn?" I recognize that voice now. It is my cousin Gina!

  "Actually, I'm not in Austin. I'm outside Lake June. At least I think that I got that far." I paused to see what he would say. He didn't say anything, but I heard the sound of lips kissing. "Are you eating something? " I asked to see what he did.

  "Oh, umm, yeah I'm eating."

  "Not yet, but I have hopes." I heard a whisper as they both chuckled.

  "Well I guess that I don't need to finish the drive to your house. Since you are with Gina. I wish you happy."

  "Now just a damn minute, Amberlyn! Who said that I was with anyone?"

  "I hear her! You bastard! How dare you? I'm not stupid or deaf. So you can go back to her and forget about me! I'm done!" I slammed the phone down into the cradle.

Second Chances- Viking's StoryTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang