At the Game

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Irwin decided to go he wanted to see Lucy, they have been getting close after they had first talked. Irwin got dressed in jeans and a sweatshirt waiting for the time of him leaving he went on his phone and scrolled through Instagram liking and sharing things. 

It was 5:30 and the game started at 6:00 he went outside and noticed a car not thinking of it he started walking to school. Irwin noticed the car following him noticing this he stopped walking and looked at the person in the car he noticed it was Jackie he turned to the car window and asked Jackie why she was following him. The answer he got was not what he wanted he got a screeming saying he is a baby and needs to grow up (that hurt to write) having tears in his eyes Irwin walked pasesed Quinns house which made him more upset.

Irwin made it to the game and went to the bleachers seeing the cheerleaders. Irwin saw Lucy and walked to her when he went to talk to Lucy a different cheerleader stepped infront of him and started yelling athim again when Lucy joined in the dam broke and he started to cry more. Going to his seat he sat with tears falling.The football game was halfway over when the cheerleaders did there halftime cheer. Thinking he was unneeded Irwin stood up and started his way home. 

When Irwin got home he put shorts on and layed in bed not wanting to here from anyone he left his phone off and decided to write in his journal. when irwin almost got to sleep he got a knock on the door not knowing who it was because noone was suposed to come over he opened the door and slammed it closed.

Irwin POV

Why is he here he was suposed to be at the game he heared a knock againg and opened the door there stood quinn with a straight line as his mouth I was scared why is he here which is what i asked right away the way he answered scared me he answered by saying "because we need to talk and i am not leaving till we do".

A/N: sorry for the short chapter i keep getting writers block

368 words


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